- Professor of Mushrooms
Areas of Expertise
- Mushroom cultivation
- Composting
- Mushroom nutrition and physiology
- IPM and Disease Management for Mushroom cultivation
- Mushroom extension services for the North American mushroom industry
- Professor of Bacterial Systematics and Plant Pathology
Areas of Expertise
- Phytobacteriology
- Translational Taxonomy
- Systematic Bacteriology
- Biological Control
- Sustainable and Organic Agriculture
- Email ctb14@psu.edu
- Office 814-865-7448
- Pronouns She/Her/Hers
- Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise
- Horticultural Crop, Turf, & Seed Pathology
- Plant & Fungal Reproductive Genetics
- Population Ecology with GIS
- Pedagogy and Online Curriculum Development
- Associate Research Professor
- Director, Southeast Agricultural Research & Extension Center
Areas of Expertise
- Corn Disease
- Soybean Disease
- Wheat Disease
- Hemp Production
- Field Crops Disease Management
- Email aac18@psu.edu
- Office 717-653-4728
- Assistant Professor of Soilborne Disease Dynamics and Management
Areas of Expertise
- Fungal ecology and evolution
- Soil & plant microbiome response to stress
- Biological management of fungal & oomycete pathogens
- Soil health and disease modeling
- Professor of Epidemiology and Field Crop Pathology
Areas of Expertise
- Integrated management of field crop diseases
- Plant disease epidemiology
- Statistical methods for the agricultural sciences
- Email pde6@psu.edu
- Office 814-865-0680
- Pronouns He/Him
- Professor of Mycology
- Director, Fusarium Research Center
Areas of Expertise
- Fusarium and Aspergillus
- Fungal genetics
- Fungal systematics and evolution
- Fungal plant and animal pathogens
- Email dmg17@psu.edu
- Office 814-865-9773
- Assistant Dean for Graduate Education
- Associate Director of the Pennsylvania Agricultural State Experiment Station
- Professor of Vegetable Pathology
Areas of Expertise
- Integrated vegetable disease management
- Plant pathogen diagnosis
- Disease monitoring and forecasting
- Sustainable crop production
- Associate Professor of Microbial Ecology
Areas of Expertise
- Bacteriology
- Phyllosphere Microbiology
- Protein-mediated Bacterial Antagonism
- Molecular Biology
- Disease Suppression
- Department Head, Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology;
- Professor of Plant Pathology;
- Coordinator and Adviser of the Undergraduate Minor in Plant Pathology
Areas of Expertise
- Population biology
- Ecology of plant-associated microorganisms
- Fusarium and Verticillium wilts
- Professor
Areas of Expertise
- Biocontrol
- Fungal genetics and genomics
- Microbial chemical ecology
- Molecular diagnosis of plant pathogens
- Email sxk55@psu.edu
- Office 814-863-3846
- Assistant Research Professor
- Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise
- Mycotoxins
- Endophytes
- Fusarium
- Fungal genetics
- Fungal secondary metabolites
- Agricultural biosecurity
- Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise
- Fire blight resistance in apple trees
- Biologically-based approaches to fire blight disease control
- Development of citrus greening-resistant citrus varieties
- Molecular genetics of Erwinia amylovora pathogenicity
- Development of tomatoes resistant to bacterial canker disease
- Understanding rootstock-scion interactions in grafted apple trees
- Associate Research Professor
- Director of Graduate Studies
- Mushroom Science and Technology Minor Advisor
- Manager - Mushroom Research Center
- Director - Mushroom Spawn Lab
Areas of Expertise
- Substrate Microbiology
- Mushroom Cultivation
- Composting
- Integrated Pest Management
- Associate Research Professor, Tree Fruit Pathology
Areas of Expertise
- Apple and pear diseases
- Peach, cherry, other stone fruit diseases
- Integrated tree fruit disease management
- Email kap22@psu.edu
- Office 717-778-4587
- Associate Research Professor
Areas of Expertise
- Potato
- Potato diseases
- Email xsq1@psu.edu
- Office 814-867-4928
- Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology
Areas of Expertise
- Plant-Microbe interactions
- Plant microbiome as a diagnostics tool
- Metabolomics
- Molecular epidemiology
- Bacterial and fungal genetics
- Email roman-reyna@psu.edu
- Office 814-865-6290
- Pronouns She/Her
- Associate Professor, Plant Virology
Areas of Expertise
- plant virology
- microbe plant interaction
- vectors of plant viruses and of other plant pathogenic microbes
- plant disease prediction and management models
- Email czr2@psu.edu
- Office 814-867-5372
- Assistant Research Professor
Areas of Expertise
- Molecular biology
- Plant bacteriology
- Development of novel controls for citrus greening and fire blight
- Genetics of virulence and auxotrophy in Erwinia amylovora
- Email jps6@psu.edu
- Office 814-863-7399
- Professor
Areas of Expertise
- Molecular plant-microbe interactions
- Disease resistance and abiotic stress tolerance
- Functional genomics and biotechnology
- Genome editing and engineering
- Precision breeding and crop improvement
- Gene-edited and genetically modified organisms
- Email yuy3@psu.edu
- Office 814-867-0324