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- Research Technologist
- Bull Lab
- Potato Research Technologist, Qu Lab
- Graduate Program Coordinator
- Part-Time Research Assistant
- Gugino Lab
Areas of Expertise
- Grape diseases and fungal pathogen biology
- Fungicide efficacy testing for conventional and organic grape production systems
- Cultural/non-chemical control of late season bunch rots of grapes
- Epidemiology of grapevine leafroll associated viruses
- Varietal susceptibility to grape diseases
- Integrated grape disease management
- Development of effective conventional and organic fungicide programs
- Research Technologist
- Mushroom Spawn Lab
- Head Diagnostician and Plant Disease Clinic Manager
Areas of Expertise
- Plant Disease Diagnostics
- Integrated Disease Management
- Research Technologist
- Esker Lab
- Mushroom Research Technologist
- Lab Research Technician
- Kang Lab
- Research Technologist
- Bell Lab
- Davenport Lab
- Research Support Technician
- Yang Lab
- Administrative Support Coordinator and Office Manager