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- M.S. Student
- Co-Advised by: Dr. María del Mar Jiménez Gasco and Dr. Donald D. Davis
- Ph.D. Student
- Advised by: Dr. Kevin Hockett
- Ph.D. Candidate
- Advised by: Dr. Paul Esker
- Ph.D. Student
- Advised by Dr. Timothy McNellis
- Ph.D. Candidate
- Advised by: Dr. Kari Peter
Areas of Expertise
- Post-harvest Pathology
- Fresh produce quality
- Musa spp. agronomic management
- M.S. Student
- Co-Advised by: Dr. Carolee Bull and Dr. Kevin Hockett
Areas of Expertise
- Molecular biology
- Phytobacteriology
- Ph.D. Student in Plant Pathology and Microbiome Sciences
- Advised by: Dr. Verónica Román-Reyna
Areas of Expertise
- Phytobacteriology
- Gram-positive bacterial plant pathogens
- Taxonomy of plant pathogenic prokaryotes
- Population genetics
- Genomics
- Graduate Student
- Co-Advised by: Dr. Sharifa Crandall and Dr. Michela Centinari
- M.S. Student
- Co-Advised by: Dr. Carolee Bull and Dr. Kevin Hockett
- Ph.D. Student
- Advised by: Dr. Verónica Román-Reyna
- Ph.D. Candidate in Plant Biology
- Advised by: Dr. Timothy McNellis
Areas of Expertise
- Molecular detection of plant pathogens
- Phytobacteriology
- Graduate Student
- Advised by: Dr. Yinong Yang
Areas of Expertise
- CRISPR/Cas technology, incorporating Prime editing, Base editing, and Multiplex knock-out methodologies.
- Rice protoplast preparation and transformation.
- CRISPR-based disease diagnostics.
- Molecular Biology Experiments
- Disease inoculation and abotic stress treatment
- Graduate Student
- Advised by: Yinong Yang
- Ph.D. Student
- Advised by: Dr. Kevin Hockett
- Ph.D. Candidate
- Advised by: Dr. John Pecchia
- Ph.D. Candidate
- Advised by: Dr. Cristina Rosa
- Ph.D. Candidate
- Advised by: Dr. Beth Gugino
Areas of Expertise
- Integrated Disease Management
- Copper tolerance in plant pathogenic bacteria
- System Thinking Approach
- Ph.D. Student
- Co-Advised by: Dr. Sharifa Crandall and Dr. Gretchen Kuldau
- Ph.D. Student
- Advised by: Dr. Carolee T. Bull
- Bull Lab
- Ph.D. Student
- Advised by: Dr. Yinong Yang
Areas of Expertise
- CRISPR/Cas-based diagnostic tools
- Ph.D. Student, Ecology
- Advised by: Dr. Terrence Bell
- M.S. Student
- Co-Advised by: Dr. John Pecchia and Dr. David Beyer
- Graduate Student
- Advised by: Dr. Beth Gugino
- M.S. Student
- Advised by: Dr. Verónica Román-Reyna
- Ph.D. Candidate
- Advised by: Dr. Paul Esker
- Ph.D. Student
- Advised by: Dr. Sharifa Crandall
Areas of Expertise
- Sour rot disease ecology
- Plant disease management
- Plant Biology Ph.D. student
- Co-advised by: Dr. Cristina Rosa and Dr. Marco Archetti
Areas of Expertise
- Horticulture
- Plant biology
- Plant virology
- Graduate Student
- Co-Advised by: Dr. Estelle Couradeau and Dr. Terrence Bell
- Ph.D. Student
- Co-Advised by: Dr. María del Mar Jiménez Gasco and David M. Geiser
- M.S. Student
- Co-Advised by: Dr. John Pecchia and Dr. David Beyer
- Ph.D. Candidate in Plant Pathology and International Agriculture and Development
- Co-Advised by: Dr. David Geiser and Dr. María del Mar Jiménez Gasco
Areas of Expertise
- Population genetics
- Fungal/Oomycete morphology and systematics
- M.S. Student, Plant Pathology
- Esker Lab