The Fruit Research and Extension Center (FREC) in Biglerville is situated on 125 acres of fertile land in south-central Pennsylvania, in the heart of the major tree fruit production area of the state. The facility increases opportunities for growers, consultants, consumers, and students to observe experiments and to consult with scientists. Extension specialists apply experimental findings to local conditions, and, in turn, make suggestions to scientists about new research needs.

The Fusarium Research Center is a resource center for researchers and others working with Fusarium. Maintained in Buckhout Lab is the world's largest Fusarium collection, comprised of approximately 16,000 isolates of 50 species.

The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences strengthens research in the life sciences, prepares students for successful careers, and encourages new perspectives across disciplinary boundaries.

This research facility serves the grape-processing industry, which has a strong presence along the Lake Erie coastline in Pennsylvania and New York. Researchers work on 6 to 10 projects every year, most of which test vineyard disease and insect controls.

The Microbiome Center fosters long-term working relationships and provides infrastructure and resources to increase diversity and breadth of transformative, interdisciplinary microbiome research at Penn State.

The Department of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology's Mushroom Research Center provides unique facilities for conducting mushroom research.

The Dept. of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology selects and breeds crops that can stand up to bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases. Research conducted at the Plant Pathology Farm leads to the development of crops with increased resistance to serious pathogens.

Located in Landisville, PA, the SEAREC is home to Penn State's applied field research program in the south central region of the state. The work that takes place at the Center reflects the rich agricultural diversity of the region and surrounding Mid-Atlantic states. The Center is located in Lancaster County in the heart of the most intensive farming area in Pennsylvania.

The Joseph E. Valentine Turfgrass Research Center is a turfgrass research facility that is focused on high-maintenance turfgrass. The 17-acre facility includes 2.5 acres of close-cut creeping bentgrass for golf course putting green research. Other areas include intensively maintained Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and tall fescue.