Xinshun Qu, Ph.D.

Xinshun Qu, Ph.D.

  • Associate Research Professor
405 Buckhout Lab (office)
404/305 Buckhout Lab (lab)

University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Potato
  • Potato diseases


  • Ph.D., Plant Pathology, University College Dublin, the National University of Ireland
  • M.S., Botany, Wuhan University, China
  • B.S., Biology, Beijing Normal University, China

Areas of Interest

Potato germplasm evaluation and improvement; genetic basis of potato resistance to diseases; population biology and molecular diagnosis of potato pathogens; soil microbial communities associated with soil-borne potato diseases; integrated management of potato diseases

Program Interests

My research focuses on potatoes and potato diseases.  We evaluate potato germplasm and identify potato varieties/breeding clones that have adaptation to Pennsylvania potato growing regions and have qualities that are suitable for either processing or tablestock use.  We collaborate with other potato breeders and scientists in the eastern US to develop new potato varieties for eastern US markets using conventional breeding methods and contemporary techniques of marker-assisted selection and genome editing.  We are involved in collaborative projects to study the genetic resistance of potatoes to diseases, map resistance genes/QTLs, manipulate the genetic basis of resistance and develop disease resistant varieties.  We work on the control of potato diseases such as late blight, early blight, common scab and powdery scab through host resistance, chemicals, biocontrol, green manure and crop rotation.  We develop and use molecular tools to quantify soil-borne potato pathogens in field soils for better understanding of disease epidemiology.  We provide Pennsylvania potato growers and industry yearly with updated potato variety and potato disease management information.

Recent Publications

De Jong WS, Halseth DE, Plaisted RL, Wang XH, Perry KL, Qu XS, Paddock KM, Falise M, Christ BJ, and Porter GA.  2017.  Lamoka, a variety with excellent chip color out of cold storage and resistance to the golden cyst nematode.  American Journal of Potato Research 94:148-152.

Haynes, K.G. and Qu, X.S.  2016.  Late blight and early blight resistance from Solanum hougasii introgressed into Solanum tuberosum.  American Journal of Potato Research 93: 86-95.

Haynes, K.G., Yencho, G.C., Clough, M.E., Henninger, M.R., Qu, X.S., Christ, B.J., Peck, M.W., Porter, G.A., Hutchinson, C.M., Gergela, D.M., Halseth, D.E., Menasha, S.R., and Sieczka, J.B.  2015.  Peter Wilcox: a new purple-skin, yellow-flesh fresh market potato cultivar with moderate resistance to powdery scab.  American Journal of Potato Research 92: 573-581.

Haynes, K.G., Gergela, D.M., Qu, X.S., Peck, M.W., Yencho, G.C., Clough, M.E., Henninger, M.R., Halseth, D.E., Porter, G.A., Ocaya, P.C., Zotarelli, L., Menasha, S.R., Christ, B.J., Wanner, L.A., and Hutchinson, C.M.  2014.  Elkton: A new potato variety with resistance to internal heat necrosis and hollow heart and suitable for chipping directly from the field in the southern United States.  American Journal of Potato Research 91:269-276.

Wanner, L.A., Kirk, W.W., and Qu, X.S.  2014.  Field efficacy of non-pathogenic Streptomyces species against potato common scab.  Journal of Applied Microbiology 116:123-133.

Haynes, K.G., Qu, X.S., and Christ, B.J.  2014.  Two cycles of recurrent maternal half-sib selection reduce foliar late blight in a diploid hybrid Solanum phureja-S. stenotomum population by two-thirds.  American Journal of Potato Research 91:254-259.

Qu, X.S., Wanner, L.A., and Christ, B.J.  2011.  Multiplex real-time PCR (TaqMan) assay for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of potato powdery and common scab diseases and pathogens.  Journal of Applied Microbiology 110:769-777.

Li, X., Hu, Z., Qu, X.S., Zhu, J., Li, L., Ring, B.Z., and Su, L.  2011.  Putative EPHX1 enzyme activity is related with risk of lung and upper aerodigestive tract cancers: a comprehensive meta-analysis.  PLoS ONE 6: e14749.

Wickramasinge, D.K., Qu, X.S., Costanzo, S., Haynes, K.G., and Christ, B.J.  2009.  Development of PCR-based markers linked to quantitative resistance to late blight in a diploid hybrid Solanum phureja × S. stenotomum population.  American Journal of Potato Research 86:188-195.

Qu, X.S., Wanner, L.A., and Christ, B.J.  2008.  Using the txtAB operon to quantify pathogenic Streptomyces in potato tubers and soil.  Phytopathology 98:405-412.

Qu, X.S. and Christ, B.J.  2007.  In vitro culture of the obligate parasite Spongospora subterranea (Cercozoa; Plasmodiophorida) associated with root-inducing transferred-DNA transformed potato hairy roots.  The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 54:465-467.

Stewart, E.L., Qu, X.S., Overton, B.E., Wenner, N.G., Gildow, F.E., and Grove, D.S.  2007.  Development of a real-time RT-PCR SYBR Green assay for Tomato ring spot virus in grape.  Plant Disease 91:1083-1088.

Qu, X.S. and Christ, B.J.  2006.  Single cystosorus isolate production and restriction fragment length polymorphism characterization of the obligate biotroph Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterraneaPhytopathology 96:1157-1163.

Qu, X.S. and Christ, B.J.  2006.  The host range of Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea in the United States.  American Journal of Potato Research 83:343-347.

Qu, X.S., Kavanagh, J.A., Egan, D., and Christ, B.J.  2006.  Detection and quantification of Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea by PCR in host tissue and naturally infested soils.  American Journal of Potato Research 83:21-30.

Recent Extension Publications

Qu XS, Peck MW, Moore CE, and Christ BJ.  2017.  Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight in Pennsylvania, 2016.  Plant Disease Management Reports 11:V012.

Qu XS, Peck MW, Moore CE, and Christ BJ.  2017.  Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight in Pennsylvania, 2016.  Plant Disease Management Reports 11:V035.

Qu XS, Peck MW, Moore CE, and Christ BJ.  2017.  Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to powdery scab in Pennsylvania, 2016.  Plant Disease Management Reports 11:V052.

Qu XS, Peck MW, Moore CE, and Christ BJ.  2017.  Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of potato late blight in Pennsylvania, 2016.  Plant Disease Management Reports 11:V078.

Qu, X.S., Peck, M.W., Moore, C.E., and Christ, B.J.  2016.  Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of potato late blight in Pennsylvania, 2015.  Plant Disease Management Reports 10: V008.

Qu, X.S., Peck, M.W., Moore, C.E., and Christ, B.J.  2016.  Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to powdery scab in Pennsylvania, 2015.  Plant Disease Management Reports 10: V035.

Qu, X.S., Peck, M.W., Moore, C.E., and Christ, B.J.  2016.  Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight in Pennsylvania, 2015.  Plant Disease Management Reports 10: V036.

Qu, X.S., Peck, M.W., Moore, C.E., and Christ, B.J.  2016.  Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight in Pennsylvania, 2015.  Plant Disease Management Reports 10: V037.

Qu, X.S., Peck, M.W., Moore, C.E., and Christ, B.J.  2015.  Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight in Pennsylvania, 2014.  Plant Disease Management Reports 9: V040.

Qu, X.S., Peck, M.W., Moore, C.E., and Christ, B.J.  2015.  Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight in Pennsylvania, 2014.  Plant Disease Management Reports 9: V039.

Qu, X.S., Peck, M.W., Moore, C.E., and Christ, B.J.  2015.  Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of potato late blight in Pennsylvania, 2014.  Plant Disease Management Reports 9: V038.

Qu, X.S., Peck, M.W., Moore, C.E., and Christ, B.J.  2015.  Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to powdery scab in Pennsylvania, 2014.  Plant Disease Management Reports 9: V037.

Qu, X.S. and Christ, B.J.  2014.  Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight in Pennsylvania, 2013.  Plant Disease Management Reports 8: V186.

Qu, X.S. and Christ, B.J.  2014.  Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight in Pennsylvania, 2013.  Plant Disease Management Reports 8: V187.

Qu, X.S., Peck, M.W., and Christ, B.J.  2014.  Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of potato late blight in Pennsylvania, 2013.  Plant Disease Management Reports 8: V188.

Qu, X.S. and Christ, B.J.  2014.  Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to powdery scab in Pennsylvania, 2013.  Plant Disease Management Reports 8: V189

Qu, X.S. and Christ, B.J.  2013.  Evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight, 2012.  Plant Disease Management Reports 7:V092.

Qu, X.S., Peck, M.W., and Christ, B.J.  2013.  Evaluation of fungicides for control of potato late blight, 2012.  Plant Disease Management Reports 7:V094.

Qu, X.S. and Christ, B.J.  2013.  Evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight, 2012.  Plant Disease Management Reports 7:V093.

Qu, X.S., Peck, M.W., and Christ, B.J.  2013.  Evaluation of fungicides for control of potato early blight, 2012.  Plant Disease Management Reports 7:V105.

Qu, X.S. and Christ, B.J.  2013.  Evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to powdery scab, 2012.  Plant Disease Management Reports 7:V104

Qu, X.S. and Christ, B.J.  2012.  Evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to powdery scab, 2011.  Plant Disease Management Reports 6:V114.

Qu, X.S., Peck, M.W., and Christ, B.J.  2012.  Evaluation of fungicides for control of potato early blight, 2011.  Plant Disease Management Reports 6:V113.

Qu, X.S., Peck, M.W., and Christ, B.J.  2012.  Evaluation of fungicides for control of potato late blight, 2011.  Plant Disease Management Reports 6:V112.

Qu, X.S. and Christ, B.J.  2012.  Evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight, 2011.  Plant Disease Management Reports 6:V111.

Qu, X.S. and Christ, B.J.  2012.  Evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight, 2011.  Plant Disease Management Reports 6:V110.

Qu, X.S. and Christ, B.J.  2011.  Evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to powdery scab, 2010.  Plant Disease Management Reports 5:V089.

Qu, X.S., Peck, M.W., and Christ, B.J.  2011.  Evaluation of fungicides for control of potato late blight, 2010.  Plant Disease Management Reports 5:V087.

Qu, X.S., Peck, M.W., and Christ, B.J.  2011.  Evaluation of fungicides for control of potato early blight, 2010.  Plant Disease Management Reports 5:V088.

Qu, X.S. and Christ, B.J.  2011.  Evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight, 2010.  Plant Disease Management Reports 5:V086.

Qu, X.S. and Christ, B.J.  2011.  Evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight, 2010.  Plant Disease Management Reports 5:V085.


The Role of Soil Abundance of TxtAB in Potato Common Scab Disease Severity
Phytopathology, Shelley, Brett A., Pandey, Binod, Sarwar, Arslan, Douches, David, Collins, Paul, Qu, Xinshun, Pasche, Julie, Clarke, Christopher R., 2024

Brodie, a Dual-Purpose Chipping and Tablestock Variety with Resistance to Pathotypes Ro1 and Ro2 of the Golden Cyst Nematode and Partial Resistance to Pathotype Pa2/3 of the Pale Cyst Nematode
American Potato Journal, De Jong, Walter S., Wang, Xiaohong, Halseth, Donald E., Plaisted, Robert L., Perry, Keith L., Qu, Xinshun, Paddock, Ken M., Falise, Matthew, Dandurand, Louise Marie, Christ, Barbara J., Porter, Gregory A., 2024

Lehigh, a Variety with Yellow Flesh and Resistance to the Golden Cyst Nematode and Common Scab
American Journal of Potato Research, De Jong, Walter S., Halseth, Donald E., Plaisted, Robert L., Wang, Xiaohong, Perry, Keith L., Qu, Xinshun, Paddock, Ken M., Falise, Matthew, Christ, Barbara J., Porter, Gregory A., 2023

Portable Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy of Potato Leaves for Pre-Symptomatic Detection of Late Blight Disease
Applied Spectroscopy, Zhou, Chen, Bucklew, Victor, Edwards, Perry, Zhang, Chenji, Yang, Jinkai, Ryan, Philip, Hughes, David, Qu, Xinshun, Liu, Zhiwen, 2023

Genetic Dissection of Early Blight Resistance in Tetraploid Potato
Frontiers in Plant Science, Xue, Weiya, Haynes, Kathleen G., Clarke, Christopher R., Qu, Xinshun, 2022

Quantitative trait locus mapping for common scab resistance in a tetraploid potato full-sib population
Plant Disease, Da Pereira, Guilherme Silva, Mollinari, Marcelo, Qu, Xinshun, Thill, Christian, Zeng, Zhao Bang, Haynes, Kathleen, Yencho, G. Craig, 2021

Pennsylvania Potato Research Report 2020, Qu, Xin, Peck, Mike, 2021

Waneta, a Variety with Excellent Chip Color out of Cold Storage, Long Tuber Dormancy, and Resistance to the Golden Cyst Nematode
American Potato Journal, De Jong, Walter S., Halseth, Donald E., Plaisted, Robert L., Wang, Xiaohong, Perry, Keith L., Qu, Xinshun, Paddock, Ken M., Falise, Matthew, Christ, Barbara J., Porter, Gregory A., 2020

Pennsylvania Potato Research Report 2019
Online, Qu, Xin, Peck, Mike, 2020

Characterization of early blight resistance in potato cultivars
Plant Disease, Xue, Weiya, Haynes, Kathleen G., Qu, Xinshun, 2019

Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of potato late blight in Pennsylvania, 2018, Qu, Xin, Peck, Mike, Xue, Weiya, 2019

Evaluation of fungicides for control of potato early blight in Pennsylvania, 2018, Qu, Xin, Peck, Mike, Xue, Weiya, 2019

Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to common scab in Pennsylvania, 2018, Qu, Xin, Xue, Weiya, Peck, Mike, 2019

Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight in Pennsylvania, 2018, Qu, Xin, Xue, Weiya, Peck, Mike, 2019

Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight in Pennsylvania, 2018, Qu, Xin, Xue, Weiya, Peck, Mike, 2019

Pennsylvania Potato Research Report 2018, Qu, Xin, Peck, Mike, 2019

2018 Potato Research at Penn State, Qu, Xin, 2019

Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of potato early blight in Pennsylvania, 2017
Plant Disease Management Reports, Qu, Xin, Peck, M, Moore, C, Christ, B, 2018

Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight in Pennsylvania, 2017
Plant Disease Management Reports, Qu, Xin, Peck, M, Moore, C, Christ, B, 2018

Pennsylvania Potato Research Report 2017, Qu, Xin, Christ, B, 2018

Potato Germplasm Evaluation in Pennsylvania, Qu, Xin, Leiby, R, 2018

Lamoka, a Variety with Excellent Chip Color Out of Cold Storage and Resistance to the Golden Cyst Nematode
American Potato Journal, De Jong, Walter S., Halseth, Donald E., Plaisted, Robert L., Wang, Xiaohong, Perry, Keith L., Qu, Xinshun, Paddock, Ken M., Falise, Matthew, Christ, Barbara J., Porter, Gregory A., 2017

Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of potato late blight in Pennsylvania, 2016
Plant Disease Management Reports, Qu, Xin, Peck, M, Moore, C, Christ, B, 2017

Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight in Pennsylvania, 2016
Plant Disease Management Reports, Qu, Xin, Peck, M., Moore, C., Christ, B., 2017

Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight in Pennsylvania, 2016
Plant Disease Management Reports, Qu, Xin, Peck, M., Moore, C., Christ, B., 2017

Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to powdery scab in Pennsylvania, 2016
Plant Disease Management Reports, Qu, Xin, Peck, M., Moore, C., Christ, B., 2017

Pennsylvania Potato Research Report 2016, Qu, Xin, Christ, B, 2017

Late Blight and Early Blight Resistance from Solanum hougasii Introgressed Into Solanum tuberosum
American Potato Journal, Haynes, Kathleen G., Qu, Xinshun, 2016

Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of potato late blight in Pennsylvania, 2015
Plant Disease Management Reports, Qu, Xin, Peck, M, Moore, C, Christ, B, 2016

Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight in Pennsylvania, 2015
Plant Disease Management Reports, Qu, Xin, Peck, M., Moore, C., Christ, B., 2016

Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight in Pennsylvania, 2015
Plant Disease Management Reports, Qu, Xin, Peck, M, Moore, C, Christ, B, 2016

Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to powdery scab in Pennsylvania, 2015
Plant Disease Management Reports, Qu, Xin, Peck, M., Moore, C., Christ, B., 2016

Pennsylvania Potato Research Report 2015, Qu, Xin, Christ, B, 2016

Peter Wilcox: a New Purple-Skin, Yellow-Flesh Fresh Market Potato Cultivar with Moderate Resistance to Powdery Scab
American Potato Journal, Haynes, K. G., Yencho, G. C., Clough, M. E., Henninger, M. R., Qu, X. S., Christ, B. J., Peck, M. W., Porter, G. A., Hutchinson, C. M., Gergela, D. M., Halseth, D. E., Menasha, S. R., Sieczka, J. B., 2015

Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of potato late blight in Pennsylvania, 2014
Plant Disease Management Reports, Qu, Xin, Peck, M, Moore, C, Christ, B, 2015

Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight in Pennsylvania, 2014
Plant Disease Management Reports, Qu, Xin, Peck, M., Moore, C., Christ, B., 2015

Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight in Pennsylvania, 2014
Plant Disease Management Reports, Qu, Xin, Peck, M., Moore, C., Christ, B., 2015

Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to powdery scab in Pennsylvania, 2014
Plant Disease Management Reports, Qu, Xin, Peck, M., Moore, C., Christ, B., 2015

Pennsylvania Potato Research Report 2014, Qu, Xin, Christ, B, 2015