Beth K. Gugino, Ph.D.
- Assistant Dean for Graduate Education
- Associate Director of the Pennsylvania Agricultural State Experiment Station
- Professor of Vegetable Pathology
216 Buckhout Lab (lab)
University Park, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-865-7328
- Fax 814-863-7217
Areas of Expertise
- Integrated vegetable disease management
- Plant pathogen diagnosis
- Disease monitoring and forecasting
- Sustainable crop production
- Ph.D. Plant Pathology, The Pennsylvania State University
- M.S. Plant Pathology, The Pennsylvania State University
- B.S. Horticulture, The Pennsylvania State University
Areas of Interest
Diseases of vegetables; Development of integrated vegetable crop management educational programming
Current Graduate Students
- Caterina Roman, M.S. student in Plant Pathology
- Ram Neupane, Ph.D. student in Plant Pathology
Former Graduate Students
- Constanza Bartolomeo Koninckx, M.S. student in Plant Pathology
- Amanda Mainello, M.S. student in Plant Pathology (co-advisor with Dr. Carolee Bull)
- Laura del Sol Bautista Jalon, dual title Ph.D. candidate in Plant Pathology and International Agriculture and Development (co-advisor with Dr. Maria del Mar Jimenez-Gasco)
- Sara May, Ph.D. in Plant Pathology 2019
- Jennie D. Mazzone, dual title M.S. program in Plant Pathology and International Agriculture and Development 2017
- Emily E. Pfeufer, Ph.D. in Plant Pathology 2014
- Ilse Huerta Arrendondo, M.S. in Plant Pathology 2014
- Hilary Cheesman, dual M.S. in Plant Pathology and International Agriculture and Development 2014 (co-advisor with Dr. Paul Backman)
Vegetable Pathology Team
- Jennie Diehl Mazzone, Research Technologist and Assistant Diagnostician
Program Interests
The goal of my extension education and adaptive research program is to develop integrated management strategies for important and emerging diseases of the major vegetable crops grown in Pennsylvania and provide statewide leadership in the area of vegetable pathology. Specifically these responsibilities include working with research faculty, extension specialists and county-based educators to develop integrated pest and crop management strategies to address important and emerging diseases of the major vegetable crops grown in Pennsylvania as well as use existing and new technologies to provide growers and other ag service providers with research-based information on pathogen biology, epidemiology and vegetable disease management.
Current research/extension projects include the elucidation and management of onion bacterial diseases, identification of soilborne pathogens associated with tomato high tunnels and management using anaerobic soil disinfestation, identification of bacteria associated with blackleg and soft rot of potato, as well as the population biology of Verticillium dahliae associated with potatoes in Pennsylvania.
I also conduct trials evaluating the efficacy of conventional and biorational products for the management of commonly occurring diseases on tomatoes, snap beans, onions and cucurbits in PA. With increasing concern about fungicide resistance and cost of inputs, selection of the most effective fungicides/biopesticides is an important component of an IPM program.
Most recently, a team of Penn State Extension Educators and Specialists received funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant to establish sustainable hops production recommendations for the Pennsylvania hops industry using integrated pest management tools. For the latest information on this project follow up on Facebook at the Penn State Extension Hops Project!
As part of larger regional and national projects, I also participate in pest monitoring and prediction efforts for cucurbit and basil downy mildews ( and tomato/potato late blight ( that help disseminate timely information about confirmed outbreaks that growers can use to make in-season disease management decisions. For the latest information regarding disease and insect outbreaks and vegetable crop production, visit our Vegetable and Small Fruit Extension Team website.
Pethybridge, S.J, B.K. Gugino and J.R. Kikkert. 2019. Optimizing fungicide timing for the management of white mold in processing snap bean in New York. Crop Protection 125. November 2019.
Bell, T.H., L.M. Kaminsky, B.K. Gugino, J.E. Carlson, R.J. Malik, K.L. Hockett and R.V. Trexler. 2019. Factoring Ecological, Societal, and Economic Considerations into Inoculant Development. Trends in Biotechnology: 37(6): P572-573.
Bell, T.H., K.L. Hockett, R.I. Alcala-Briseno, M. Barbercheck, G.A. Beattie, M.A. Bruns, J.E. Carlson, T. Chung, A. Collins, B. Emmett, P. Esker, K.A. Garrett, L. Glenna, B.K. Gugino, M.M. Jimenez-Gasco, L. Kinkel, J. Kovac, K.P. Kowalski, G. Kuldau, J.H.J. Leveau, M.J. Michalska-Smith, J. Myrick, K. Peter, M.F. Vivanco Salazar, A. Shade, N. Stopnisek, X. Tan, A.T. Welty, K. Wickings, and E. Yergeau. 2019. Manipulating Wild and Tamed Phytobiomes: Challenges and Opportunities. Phytobiomes. 9 May 2019.
Pethybridge, S.J., B.K. Gugino, and J.R. Kikkert. 2019. Efficacy of Double Nickel LC (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens D747 Strain) for management of white mold in snap and dry bean. Plant Health Progress. 22 March 2019.
Pfeufer, E.E. and B.K. Gugino. 2018. Environmental and management factors associated with bacterial diseases of onion in Pennsylvania. Plant Disease 102: 2205-2211.
Wyenandt, C.A., M.T. McGrath, K.L. Everts, S.L. Rideout, B.K. Gugino and N. Kleczewski. 2018. Fungicide resistance management guidelines for cucurbit downy and powdery mildew control in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions of the United States in 2017. Plant Health Progress. February 2018.
Neufield, K.N., A.P. Keinath, B.K. Gugino, M.T. McGrath, E.J. Sikora, S.A. Miller, M.L. Ivey, D.B. Langston, B. Dutta, T. Keever, A. Sims, and P.S. Ojiambo. 2017. Predicting the risk of cucurbit downy mildew in the eastern United States using an integrated aerobiological model. International Journal of Biometerology (First online 25 Nov 2017):
Lehner, M.S., E.M. Del Ponte, B.K. Gugino, J.R. Kikkert, and S.J. Pethybridge. 2017. Sensitivity and efficacy of boscalid, fluazinam, and thiophanate-methyl for white mold control in snap bean in New York. Plant Disease 101:1-6.
Hansen, Z.R., M.O. Carlson, K.L. Everts, W.E. Fry, A.J. Gevens, N.J. Grunwald, B.K. Gugino, B.J. Knaus, D.A. Johnson, S.B. Johnson, H.S. Judelson, M.T. McGrath, K.L. Myers, J.B. Ristaino, P.D. Roberts, G.A. Secor, and C.D. Smart. 2016. Genetic variation within clonal lineages of Phytophthora infestans revealed through genotyping-by-sequencing, and implications for late blight epidemiology. PLOS ONE 11(11): e0165690. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0165690.
Fry, W.E., P.R.J. Birch, H.S. Judelson, N.J. Grunwald, G. Danies, K.L. Everts, A.J. Gevens, B.K. Gugino, D.A. Johnson, S.B. Johnson, M.T. McGrath, K.L. Myers, J.B. Ristaino, P.D. Roberts, G. Secor and C.D. Smart. 2015. Five reasons to consider Phytophthora infestans a reemerging pathogen. Phytopathology 105:966-981.
Danies, G., K. Meyers, M. Mideros, S. Restrepo, F.N. Martin, D. Cooke, C.D. Smart, J.B. Ristaino, A.J. Seaman, B.K. Gugino, N.J. Grunwald, and W.E. Fry. 2014. An ephemeral sexual populations of in the Northeastern United States and Canada. PLoS ONE 9:e116354.doi:10.137/journal.pone.0116354.
Schwartz, H.F., D. Alston, J. Alwang, M. Bartolo, T. Blunt, C. Boateng, B. Bunn, C. Cramer, W. Cranshaw, J. Davidson, M. Derie, J. Doran, K. Douce, D. Drost, L. du Toit, J. Gao, T. Gourd, B. Gugino, B. Hammon, J. Hardin, M. Hausbeck, G. Jibilian, J. Lafferty, J. LaForest, M. McMillan, S. Mohan, J. Morrice, B. Nault, C. Nischwitz, G. Norton, K. Otto, H. Pappu, M. Peterson, R. Sampangi, B. Schroeder, W. Secor, S. Szostek, N. Tisserat, M. Uchanski, J. VanKirk, T. Waters, P. Wiriyajitsonboon and C. Wohleb. 2014. Onion ipmPIPE: A coordinated effort to improve the management of onion thrips and Iris yellow spot virus for the U.S. onion industry. Plant Health Progress 15: 172-183.
Demers, J., B.K. Gugino and M.M. Jimenez-Gasco. 2015. Highly diverse endophytic and saprobic Fusarium oxysporum populations associated with field-grown tomato plants. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81: 81-90. doi:10.1128/AEM.02590-14.
Foolad, M.R., M.T. Sullenberger, E.W. Ohlson, and B.K. Gugino. 2014. Response of accessions within tomato wild species Solanum pimpinellifolium to late blight. Plant Breeding 133: 401-411.
Lavely, E.K., B.K. Gugino, K. Demchak, and R.P. Marini. 2013. The effect of Rhizoctonia fragariae, soil type, compost and mechanical root injury of strawberry growth. Journal of the American Pomological Society 67: 228-236.
Malcolm, G.M., G.A. Kuldau, B.K. Gugino, and M.M. Jimenez-Gasco. 2013. Hidden host-plant associations of soilborne fungal pathogens: An ecological perspective. Phytopathology 103: 538-544.
Abd-Elmagid, A., P.A. Garrido, R. Hunger, J.L. Lyles, M.A. Mansfield, B.K. Gugino, D.L. Smith, H.A. Melouk, and C.D. Garzon. 2012. Discriminatory simplex and multiplex PCR for four species of the genus Sclerotinia. Journal of Microbiological Methods 92: 293-300.
Fry, W.E., M.T. McGrath, A. Seaman, T.A. Zitter, A. McLeod, G. Danies, I.M. Small, K. Myers, K. Everts, A.J. Gevens, B.K. Gugino, S.B. Johnson, H. Judelson, J. Ristano, P. Roberts, G. Secor, K. Seebold, K. Snover-Clift, A. Wyenandt, N.J. Grunwald, and C.D. Smart. 2012. The 2009 late blight pandemic in Eastern USA: Causes and results. Plant Disease 97: 296-306.
Fry, W.E., M.T. McGrath, A. Seaman, T.A. Zitter, A. McLeod, G. Danies, I. Small, K. Myers, K. Everts, A. Gevens, B.K. Gugino, S. Johnson, H. Judelson, J. Ristaino, P. Robers, G. Secor, K. Seebold, K. Snover-Clift, A. Wyenandt, N.J. Grunwald, and C.D. Smart. 2012. The 2009 late blight pandemic in Eastern USA. APSnet Features doi:10.1094/APSnetFeature-2012.
Pollock, J.R., M.M. Mansfield, B.K. Gugino and S. R. May. 2012. First report of leaf curl on celery caused by Colletotrichum acutatum in the United States. Plant Disease 96: 1692.
Everts, K.L., L. Osborne, A.J. Gevens, S.J. Vasquez, B.K. Gugino, K. Ivors and C. Harmon. 2012. Extension plant pathology: Strengthening resources to continue serving the public interest. Phytopathology 102: 652-655.
Ojambo, P.S. et al. 2011. Cucurbit downy mildew ipmPIPE: A next generation web-based interactive tool for disease management and extension outreach. Online. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2011-0411-01-RV.
Wyenandt, C.A., S.L. Rideout, B.K. Gugino, M.T. McGrath. K.L. Everts and R.P. Mulrooney. 2010. Fungicide resistance management guidelines for the control of tomato diseases in the mid-Atlantic and northeast regions of the U.S. Online. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2010-0827-01-MG.
Kikkert, J.R., S. Reiners, and B.K. Gugino. 2010. Row width, population density and harvest date effects on marketable yield of table beets. HortTechnology 20:560-567.
Wyenandt, C.A., M.T. McGrath, S.L. Rideout, B.K Gugino, K.L. Everts and R.P. Mulrooney. 2009. Fungicide resistance management guidelines for cucurbit downy and powdery mildew control in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions of the United States. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2009-0629-010BR.
Idowu, O.J., H.M. vanes, G.S. Abawi, D.W. Wolfe, R.R. Schindelbeck, B.N. Moebius-Clune and B.K. Gugino. 2009. Use of an integrative soil health test for evaluation of soil management impacts. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 24:214-224.
Schindelbeck, R.R., H.M. van Es, G.S. Abawi, D.W. Wolfe, T.L. Whitlow, B.K. Gugino, O.J. Idowu, and B.N. Moebius. 2008. Integrated assessment of soil quality for landscape and urban management. Landscape and Urban Planning 88:73-80.
Idowu, O.J., H.M. van Es, G.S. Abawi, D.W. Wolfe, J.I. Ball, B.K. Gugino, B.N. Moebius, R.R. Schindelbeck, and A.V. Biligi. 2008. Farmer-oriented assessment of soil quality using field, laboratory, and VNIR spectroscopy methods. Plant and Soil 307:243-253.
Moebius-Clune, B.N, H.M. van Es, O.J. Idowu, R.R. Schindelbeck, D.J. Moebius-Clune, D.W. Wolfe, G.S. Abawi, J.E. Thies, B.K. Gugino and R. Lucey. 2008. Long-term effects of harvesting maize stover and tillage on soil quality. Soil Science Society of America Journal 72(4):960-969.
Gugino, B.K., J.W. Ludwig, and G.S. Abawi. 2008. An on-farm bioassay for assessing Meloidogyne hapla infestations as a decision management tool. Crop Protection 27:785-791.
Gugino, B.K., G.S. Abawi, P.J. Chen, J.E. Carroll, and T.L. Widmer. 2007. An IPM program for managing fungal leaf blight diseases of carrot in New York. Plant Disease 91:59-65.
Gugino, B.K., G.S. Abawi, P. Chen, J.E. Carroll, and T.L. Widmer. 2007. Field evaluation of carrot cultivars for susceptibility to fungal leaf blight diseases in New York. Crop Protection 26:709-714.
Gugino, B.K., G.S. Abawi, and J.W. Ludwig. 2006. Damage and management of root-knot nematode on carrot in New York. Journal of Nematology 38(4):483-490.
Select Extension Publications
Demchak, K., T.E. Elkner, E. Sanchez, D. Lingenfelter, J.M. Wallace, S.J. Fleischer, B.J. Lingbeek and B.K. Gugino. 2019. 2019 Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations Guide. Penn State Extension, Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station, and The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. 432 pp.
Wyenandt, A., A. Koehler, K.L. Everts, S. Rideout and B.K. Gugino. 2019. Fungicide Resistance Management Guidelines for Vegetable Crops Grown in the mid-Atlantic Region – 2019. New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers University. 40 pp.
Wyenandt, C.A., M.T. McGrath, B.K. Gugino, K.L. Everts, S.L. Rideout, and N. Kleczewski. 2013. 2013 Fungicide resistance management guidelines for cucurbit downy mildew and powdery mildew in the Northeast. New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers University. 1p.
Gugino, B.K. and T.L. Grove. 2015. Evaluation of select biofungicides and biofungicide programs for the management of late blight on tomato, 2014. Plant Disease Management Reports 9:V016. Online publication. doi:10.1094/PDMR09. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Gugino, B.K. and T.L. Grove. 2015. Efficacy of select fungicides for the management of powdery mildew on pumpkin, 2014. Plant Disease Management Reports 9:V015. Online publication. doi:10.1094/PDMR09. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Gugino, B.K. and T.L. Grove. 2015. Evaluation of select biofungicides and fungicide programs for the management of downy mildew of cucumber, 2014. Plant Disease Management Reports 9:V014. Online publication. doi:10.1094/PDMR09. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Gugino, B.K. and T.L. Grove. 2014. Evaluation of select fungicides and fungicide programs for the management of powdery mildew on pumpkin, 2013. Plant Disease Management Reports 8:V206. Online publication. doi:10.1094/PDMR08. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Gugino, B.K. and T.L. Grove. 2014. Evaluation of select fungicides and fungicide programs for the management of late blight on tomato, 2013. Plant Disease Management Reports 8:V205. Online publication. doi:10.1094/PDMR08. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Gugino, B.K. and S. May. 2013. Tomato-potato late blight in the home garden. Penn State Extension, Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station, and The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 4pp.
Gugino, B.K., O.J. Idowu, R.R. Schindelbeck, H.M. van Es, D.W. Wolfe, J.E. Thies, and G.S. Abawi. 2007. Cornell Soil Health Assessment Training Manual 2nd Edition, Cornell University , Geneva , NY. 60 pp. ( ).
Gugino, B.K., J. Carroll, J. Chen, J. Ludwig and G.S. Abawi. 2004. Carrot leaf blight disease and their management in New York. Cornell Cooperative Extension IPM Factsheet. (
Select Trade Journal Articles and Interviews
Miller C., 2017. Field scouting guide for squash powdery mildew. American Vegetable Grower 65(6): 7 June 2017.
Gordon, R. The problem with powdery mildew in pumpkin. American Vegetable Grower. 1 April 2016.
Alexander, L. Be on the lookout for damaging diseases of tomatoes. American Vegetable Grower. 1 March 2016.
Gugino, B.K. Late blight management approaches. Vegetable Growers News Interview. 11 January 2016.
Pfeufer, E., C. Hoepting, and B. Gugino. 2015. Advances in managing onion bacterial diseases in the Northeastern U.S. Onion World 31(6): 22-27.
Hoepting, C., K. Klotzbach, J. Reid and B. Gugino. 2011. Using cultural practices to manage bacterial diseases and increase profitability. Onion World 27(1):10-14.
Advancing organic amendment-based soil management approaches: a paradigm shift from soil disinfestation to nourishing soil health
Acta Horticulturae, Di Gioia, F., Hong, Jason, Zhao, Xin, Xu, Nan, Ono-Raphel, Joe, Morrison, Ben, Balaguer, Raymond, Roman, Caterina, Arrington, Kathleen, Moreira Calix, David, Calix, D. Moreira, Desaeger, Johan, Dini-Andreote, F., Dini Andreote, Francisco, Schmidt, Claudia, Gao, Zhifeng, Chalam, Radhika, Fronk, Leah, Ford, Thomas, Elkner, Timothy, Goodiel, Yvette, Demchak, Kathleen, Formiga, Alice, Gugino, B., Kaye, Jason Philip, Rosskopf, Erin, 2024
Optimizing anaerobic soil disinfestation for high tunnel specialty crop production systems in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region
Acta Horticulturae, Di Gioia, Francesco, Balaguer, Raymond, Pierre, Fritzner, Morrison, Ben, Ono-Raphel, Joe, Passerini, Luca, Vecchia, Luca, Demchak, Kathleen, Roman, Caterina, Schmidt, Claudia, Gugino, B., Elkner, Timothy, Hong, Jason, Dini-Andreote, F., Dini Andreote, Francisco, Rosskopf, Erin, 2024
Multilocus sequence and phenotypic analysis of Pectobacterium and Dickeya type strains for identification of soft rot Pectobacteriaceae from symptomatic potato stems and tubers in Pennsylvania
Systematic and Applied Microbiology, Mainello-Land, A, Bibi, Shaheen, Gugino, Beth, Bull, Carolee T., 2023
Vegetable disease identification and integrated disease management
PCO Organic Matters, Gugino, Beth, 2022
Cucurbit downy mildew ipmPIPE: A valued resource for information dissemination and in-season disease management decisions for diverse stakeholders, Gugino, Beth, Britton, W, Keinath, A, McGrath, M, Melanson, R, Miller, S, LaForest, J, Ojiambo, P, 2022
Managing key diseases of onions: Stop the rot!, Gugino, Beth, 2022
Identification and management of common foliar (and bulb) diseases of onion, Gugino, Beth, 2022
Phylogenomic analysis of a 55.1-kb 19-gene dataset resolves a monophyletic fusarium that includes the fusarium solani species complex
Phytopathology, Geiser, David M., Al-Hatmi, Abdullah M.S., Aoki, Takayuki, Arie, Tsutomu, Balmas, Virgilio, Barnes, Irene, Bergstrom, Gary C., Bhattacharyya, Madan K., Blomquist, Cheryl L., Bowden, Robert L., Brankovics, Balazs, Brown, Daren W., Burgess, Lester W., Bushley, Kathryn, Busman, Mark, Cano-Lira, Jose F., Carrillo, Joseph D., Chang, Hao Xun, Chen, Chi Yu, Chen, Wanquan, Chilvers, Martin, Chulze, Sofia, Coleman, Jeffrey J., Cuomo, Christina A., Wilhelm de Beer, Z., Sybren de Hoog, G., Castillo-Munera, Johanna Del, Del Ponte, Emerson M., Dieguez-Uribeondo, Javier, Pietro, Antonio Di, Edel-Hermann, Veronique, Elmer, Wade H., Epstein, Lynn, Eskalen, Akif, Esposto, Maria Carmela, Everts, Kathryne L., Fernandez-Pavıa, Sylvia P., da Silva, Gilvan Ferreira, Foroud, Nora A., Fourie, Gerda, Frandsen, Rasmus J.N., Freeman, Stanley, Freitag, Michael, Frenkel, Omer, Fuller, Kevin K., Gagkaeva, Tatiana, Gardiner, Donald M., Glenn, Anthony E., Gold, Scott E., Gordon, Thomas R., Gregory, Nancy F., Gryzenhout, Marieka, Guarro, Josep, Gugino, Beth K., Gutierrez, Santiago, Hammond-Kosack, Kim E., Harris, Linda J., Homa, Monika, Hong, Cheng Fang, Hornok, Laszlo, Huang, Jenn Wen, Ilkit, Macit, Jacobs, Adriaana, Jacobs, Karin, Jiang, Cong, del Mar Jimenez-Gasco, Marıa, Kang, Seogchan, Kasson, Matthew T., Kazan, Kemal, Kennell, John C., Kim, Hye Seon, Corby Kistler, H., Kuldau, Gretchen A., Kulik, Tomasz, Kurzai, Oliver, Laraba, Imane, Laurence, Matthew H., Lee, Theresa, Lee, Yin Won, Lee, Yong Hwan, Leslie, John F., Liew, Edward C.Y., Lofton, Lily W., Logrieco, Antonio F., Lopez-Berges, Manuel S., Luque, Alicia G., Lysøe, Erik, Ma, Li Jun, Marra, Robert E., Martin, Frank N., May, Sara R., McCormick, Susan P., McGee, Chyanna, Meis, Jacques F., Migheli, Quirico, Mohamed Nor, N. M.I., Monod, Michel, Moretti, Antonio, Mostert, Diane, Mule, Giuseppina, Munaut, Françoise, Munkvold, Gary P., Nicholson, Paul, Nucci, Marcio, O’Donnell, Kerry, Pasquali, Matias, Pfenning, Ludwig H., Prigitano, Anna, Proctor, Robert H., Ranque, Stephane, Rehner, Stephen A., Rep, Martijn, Rodrıguez-Alvarado, Gerardo, Rose, Lindy Joy, Roth, Mitchell G., Ruiz-Roldan, Carmen, Saleh, Amgad A., Salleh, Baharuddin, Sang, Hyunkyu, Scandiani, Marıa Mercedes, Scauflaire, Jonathan, Schmale, David G., Short, Dylan P.G., Sisic, Adnan, Smith, Jason A., Smyth, Christopher W., Son, Hokyoung, Spahr, Ellie, Stajich, Jason E., Steenkamp, Emma, Steinberg, Christian, Subramaniam, Rajagopal, Suga, Haruhisa, Summerell, Brett A., Susca, Antonella, Swett, Cassandra L., Toomajian, Christopher, Torres-Cruz, Terry J., Tortorano, Anna M., Urban, Martin, Vaillancourt, Lisa J., Vallad, Gary E., van der Lee, Theo A.J., Vanderpool, Dan, van Diepeningen, Anne D., Vaughan, Martha M., Venter, Eduard, Vermeulen, Marcele, Verweij, Paul E., Viljoen, Altus, Waalwijk, Cees, Wallace, Emma C., Walther, Grit, Wang, Jie, Ward, Todd J., Wickes, Brian L., Wiederhold, Nathan P., Wingfield, Michael J., Wood, Ana K.M., Xu, Jin Rong, Yang, Xiao Bing, Yli-Mattila, Tapani, Yun, Sung Hwan, Zakaria, Latiffah, Zhang, Hao, Zhang, Ning, Zhang, Sean X., Zhang, Xue, 2021
Genetic differentiation of verticillium dahliae populations recovered from symptomatic and asymptomatic hosts
Phytopathology, Bautista-Jalon, Laura, Bautista-Jalón, Laura S., Frenkel, Omer, Tsror, Leah, Tsror (Lahkim), Leah, Malcolm, Glenna M., Gugino, Beth K., Lebiush, Sara, Hazanovsky, Marina, Milgroom, Michael G., Jiménez-Gasco, Maria, Del Mar Jiménez-Gasco, María, 2021
Efficacy of Fungicides for Pseudoperonospora cubensis Determined Using Bioassays over Multiple Years in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern United States
Plant Health Progress, Jones, Jake G., Everts, Kathryne L., McGrath, Margaret T., Gugino, Beth K., 2021
Pesticide Applicator Recertification Workbook: Pumpkin Diseases, Gugino, Beth, Butzler, T, Ford, T, 2021
Biweekly vegetable and berry current issues, Gugino, Beth, Fleischer, S, Demchak, K, 2021
Effect of Copper-Based Fungicide Treatments on the Quality of Hop Produced in the Northeastern United States
Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, Chrisfield, B, Gugino, Beth, Hopfer, Helene, Elias, Ryan, 2021
Species of dickeya and pectobacterium isolated during an outbreak of blackleg and soft rot of potato in northeastern and north central united states
Microorganisms, Curland, R, Mainello, A, Perry, Keith L., Hao, Jianjun, Charkowski, Amy O., Bull, Carolee T., McNally, Ryan R., Johnson, Steven B., Rosenzweig, Noah, Secor, Gary A., Larkin, Robert P., Gugino, Beth, Ishimaru, Carol A., 2021
Pennsylvania Vegetable and Berry Production: Current Issues for (date), Gugino, Beth, Regan, K, Fleischer, S, Demchak, K, 2020
Basic vegetable production: Pest and disease management considerations, Gugino, Beth, 2020
Efficacy of select fungicide programs for managing powdery mildew on pumpkin, 2019
Plant Disease Management Reports, Gugino, Beth, Grove, T, 2020
Evaluation of conventional fungicide programs with biofungicides for the management of late blight on tomato, 2019
Plant Disease Management Reports, Gugino, Beth, Grove, T, 2020
Evaluation of select fungicide programs augmented with OMRI-listed fungicides for managing early blight on tomato, 2019
Plant Disease Management Reports, Gugino, Beth, Grove, T, 2020
Evaluation of select fungicides and fungicide programs for managing downy mildew of cucumber, 2019
Plant Disease Management Reports, Gugino, Beth, Grove, T, 2020
Pennsylvania vegetable disease updates and alerts, Gugino, Beth, 2020
Genetic differentiation of Verticiliium dahliae populations recovered from symptomatic and asymptomatic hosts
Phytopathology, Bautista Jalon, Laura, Bautista-Jalon, L, Malcolm, Glenna, Frenkel, O, Tsror, L, Gugino, B, del Mar Jimenez Gasco, M, Malcom, G, Gugino, Beth, Lebuish, S, Hazanovsky, M, Milgroom, M, Jimenez Gasco, M, 2020
Common diseases of cole crops: Black rot and Alternaria leaf spot
PA Farm Bureau Country Focus, Gugino, Beth, 2019
Efficacy of Double Nickel LC (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens D747 strain) for management of white mold in snap and dry bean
Plant Health Progress, Pethybridge, Sarah J., Gugino, Beth K., Kikkert, Julie R., 2019
Manipulating Wild and Tamed Phytobiomes: Challenges and Opportunities
Phytobiomes Journal, Collins, Alyssa, Bell, Terrence H, Hockett, Kevin, Esker, P, Alcala-Briseno, Ricardo, Gugino, B, Alcalá-Briseño, Ricardo, Barbercheck, Mary, Peter, K, Beattie, Gwyn, Bruns, Mary Ann, Carlson, John, Chung, Taejung, Collins, A, Emmett, Bryan, Esker, Paul, Garrett, Karen, Glenna, Leland, Gugino, Beth K., Del Mar Jiménez-Gasco, María, del Mar Jimenez Gasco, M, Jimenez Gasco, Maria del Mar, Kinkel, Linda, Kovac, Jasna, Kowalski, Kurt, Kowalski, Kurt, Leveau, Johan, Myrick, J, Kuldau, Gretchen, Peter, K, Leveau, Johan, Michalska-Smith, Matthew, Salazar, Maria, Myrick, Jessica, Shade, Ashley, Peter, Kari, Stopnisek, Nejc, Tan, Xiaoqing, Vivanco Salazar, Maria fernanda, Salazar, Maria, Shade, Ashley, Welty, Amy, Stopinsek, Nejc, Stopnisek, Nejc, Wickings, Kyle, Yergeau, Etienne, Tan, Xiaoqing, Welty, Amy, Wickings, Kyle, Wickings, Etienne, Yergeau, Etienne, 2019
Evaluation of fungicides and resistant cultivars to reduce use of chlorothalonil for powdery mildew in pumpkin and winter squash, McGrath, M, Gugino, Beth, Scheufele, S, 2019
Integrated foliar disease management of tomato, Gugino, Beth, 2019
Management of head rot diseases in broccoli and cauliflower featuring new recommendations for Alternaria leaf spot, Gugino, Beth, 2019
Vine crop disease management in the next wet year, Gugino, Beth, 2019
White mold management in a digital era, Pethybridge, S, Kikkert, J, Gugino, Beth, Hughes, E, van Aardt, J, Shah, D, 2019
Efficacy of select fungicide programs for managing powdery mildew on pumpkin, 2018
Plant Disease Management Reports, Gugino, Beth, Grove, T, 2019
Evaluation of select fungicide programs augmented with OMRI-approved fungicides for managing early blight on tomato, 2018
Plant Disease Management Reports, Gugino, Beth, Grove, T, 2019
Evaluation of select fungicides and fungicide programs for managing downy mildew of cucumber, 2018
Plant Disease Management Reports, Gugino, Beth, Grove, T, 2019
2019 Fungicide Resistance Management Guidelines for Vegetable Crops Grown in the Mid-Atlantic Region 2019, Wyenandt, A, Koehler, A, Everts, K, Rideout, S, Gugino, Beth, 2019
Verticillium wilt of potato caused by Verticillium dahliae: The story of a soilborne pathogen that hides as an endophyte, Bautista-Jalon, Laura, Gugino, Beth, Jimenez-Gasco, Maria, 2019
Pennsylvania vegetable disease updates and alerts, Gugino, Beth, 2019
Characterization of pectolytic bacteria associated with blackleg and soft rot in Pennsylvania potatoes, Mainello, Amanda, Gugino, Beth, Bull, C, 2019
Factoring Ecological, Societal, and Economic Considerations into Inoculant Development
Trends in Biotechnology, Bell, Terrence H, Kaminsky, Laura, Gugino, Beth K, Carlson, John E, Malik, Rondy, Hockett, Kevin, Trexler, Ryan, 2019
Environmental and management factors associated with bacterial diseases of onion in Pennsylvania
Plant Disease, Pfeufer, Emily E., Gugino, Beth K., 2018
IPM is essential for managing vegetable bacterial diseases
PA Farm Bureau Country Focus, Gugino, Beth, 2018
Predicting the risk of cucurbit downy mildew in the eastern United States using an integrated aerobiological model
International Journal of Biometeorology, Neufeld, K. N., Keinath, A. P., Gugino, B. K., McGrath, M. T., Sikora, E. J., Miller, S. A., Ivey, M. L., Langston, D. B., Dutta, B., Keever, T., Sims, A., Ojiambo, P. S., 2018
Fungicide resistance management guidelines for cucurbit downy and powdery mildew control in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions of the United States in 2018
Plant Health Progress, Wyenandt, Christian A., McGrath, Margaret T., Everts, Kathryne L., Rideout, Steven L., Gugino, Beth K., Kleczewski, Nathan, 2018
Bacterial disease of tomato: Discussion of best management practices, Gugino, Beth, 2018
Challenges of soilborne disease management in high tunnels, Gugino, Beth, 2018
Heat treatment of vegetable seed for disease management, Gugino, Beth, 2018
Mildew management in cucurbits, Gugino, Beth, 2018
Why are my cucurbits collapsing?, Gugino, Beth, 2018
Evaluation of select fungicides and biofungicides for managing late blight on tomato, 2017
Plant Disease Management Reports, Gugino, Beth, Grove, T, 2018
Evaluation of select fungicides and fungicide programs for managing downy mildew on cucumber, 2017
Plant Disease Management Reports, Gugino, Beth, Grove, T, 2018
Pennsylvania vegetable disease updates and alerts, Gugino, Beth, 2018
Survey of pectolytic bacteria causing blackleg and soft rot in Pennsylvania potatoes, Mainello, Amanda, Ramage, Christopher, Gugino, Beth, Bull, C, 2018
To be host or not to be: The role of asymptomatic hosts in the management of Verticillium wilt of potato, Bautista-Jalon, Laura del Sol, Milgroom, Michael, Gugino, Beth, Frenkel, Omer, Tsror, Leah, Bull, C, del Mar Jimenez Gasco, M, 2018
Sensitivity and efficacy of boscalid, fluazinam, and thiophanate-methyl for white mold control in snap bean in New York
Plant Disease, Lehner, M. S., Del Ponte, E. M., Gugino, B. K., Kikkert, J. R., Pethybridge, S. J., 2017
Commodity close-up: Growing onions! Be on the lookout
PA Farm Bureau Country Focus, Gugino, Beth, 2017
Efficacy of selected fungicides and fungicide programs for managing powdery mildew on pumpkin, 2016
Plant Disease Management Reports, Gugino, Beth, Grove, T, 2017
Evaluation of select fungicides and biofungicides for managing downy mildew of cucumber, 2016
Plant Disease Management Reports, Gugino, Beth, Grove, T, 2017
Evaluation of select fungicides and biofungicides for managing late blight on tomato, 2016
Plant Disease Management Reports, Gugino, Beth, Grove, T, 2017
Pennsylvania vegetable disease updates and alerts, Gugino, Beth, 2017
Genetic variation within clonal lineages of phytophthora infestans revealed through genotyping-by-sequencing, and implications for late blight epidemiology
PLoS One, Hansen, Zachariah R., Everts, Kathryne L., Fry, William E., Gevens, Amanda J., Grünwald, Niklaus J., Gugino, Beth K., Johnson, Dennis A., Johnson, Steven B., Judelson, Howard S., Knaus, Brian J., McGrath, Margaret T., Myers, Kevin L., Ristaino, Jean B., Roberts, Pamela D., Secor, Gary A., Smart, Christine D., 2016
Efficacy of selected fungicides and fungicide programs for managing powdery mildew on pumpkin, 2015
Plant Disease Management Reports 10, Gugino, Beth, Grove, T, 2016
Evaluation of selected fungicides for managing early blight on tomato, 2015
Plant Disease Management Reports 10, Gugino, Beth, Grove, T, 2016
2016 Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Recommends, Sanchez, E, Elkner, T, Demchak, K, Lamont, W, Demchak, K, Fleischer, S, Gugino, Beth, Roberts, D, Fleischer, S, Lingenfelter, D, Watrous, K, LaBorde, L, Hoffman, K, 2016
Fungicide Resistance Management Guidelines for Vegetable Crops Grown in the mid-Atlantic Region – 2016, Wyenandt, C, Kleczewski, N, Everts, K, Rideout, S, Gugino, Beth, Rahman, M, 2016
Pennsylvania vegetable disease updates and alerts, Gugino, Beth, 2016
Evaluating select management strategies for bacterial diseases of onion: Host resistance and nitrogen fertility. 2016 Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention Proceedings, Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association, Richfield, PA, Mazzone, Jennie, Gugino, Beth, 2016
Five reasons to consider phytophthora infestans a reemerging pathogen
Phytopathology, Fry, W. E., Birch, P. R.J., Judelson, H. S., Grünwald, N. J., Danies, G., Everts, K. L., Gevens, A. J., Gugino, B. K., Johnson, D. A., Johnson, S. B., McGrath, M. T., Myers, K. L., Ristaino, J. B., Roberts, P. D., Secor, G., Smart, C. D., 2015
Highly diverse endophytic and soil Fusarium oxysporum populations associated with field-grown tomato plants
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Demers, Jill E., Gugino, Beth K., Jiménez-Gasco, María del Mar, 2015
Pathogenicity and phylogenetics of the celery anthracnose pathogen, Colletotrichum fioriniae (= C. acutatum sensu lato), Pavel, J, Feng, C, Liu, B, Correll, James, May, Sara, Gugino, Beth, Jimenez Gasco, Maria, Hausbeck, M, Raid, M, Koike, S, 2015
Bacterial disease in vine crops: Is there any hope?, Gugino, Beth, Pfeufer, E, 2015
Bacterial disease management of onion, Gugino, Beth, Pfeufer, E, 2015
Bacterial spot of tomato: Biology and management, Gugino, Beth, Pfeufer, E, 2015
Effectively managing the mildews, Gugino, Beth, 2015
Fungicides and varietal resistance for celery leaf curl/Anthracnose management, Gugino, Beth, May, S, 2015
Identification of the most important factors driving bacterial bulb rot of onion in New York and Pennsylvania and implications for management, Pfeufer, E, Hoepting, C, Gugino, Beth, 2015
Investigating bacterial rot management of onion, Gugino, Beth, Mazzone, J, Pfeufer, E, 2015
Late blight in Pennsylvania, Gugino, Beth, 2015
Late blight management: Strategies used in Pennsylvania, Gugino, Beth, 2015
Managing pumpkin powdery mildew with host resistance and fungicides, Gugino, Beth, 2015
One size doesn’t fit all: The challenge of optimizing cropping sequences for improved plant health, Gugino, Beth, 2015
Plant disease basics, Gugino, Beth, 2015
Advances in managing onion bacterial diseases in the Northeastern U.S.
Onion World, Pfeufer, E, Hoepting, C, Gugino, Beth, 2015
Efficacy of select fungicides for the management of powdery mildew on pumpkin, 2014
Plant Disease Management Reports, Gugino, Beth, Grove, T, 2015
Evaluation of select biofungicides and fungicide programs for the management of downy mildew of cucumber, 2014
Plant Disease Management Reports, Gugino, Beth, Grove, T, 2015
Fungicide Resistance Management Guidelines for Vegetable Crops Grown in the mid-Atlantic Region – 2015, Wyenandt, C, Kleczewski, N, Everts, K, Rideout, S, Gugino, Beth, Rahman, M, 2015
Pennsylvania vegetable disease updates and alerts, Gugino, Beth, 2015