Carolee T. Bull, Ph.D.

Carolee T. Bull, Ph.D.

  • Professor of Bacterial Systematics and Plant Pathology
108 Buckhout Lab (office)
University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Phytobacteriology
  • Translational Taxonomy
  • Systematic Bacteriology
  • Biological Control
  • Sustainable and Organic Agriculture


  • B.S., Botany, Ohio University
  • M.S., Plant Pathology, Washington State University
  • Ph.D., Plant Pathology, Oregon State University

Other Affiliations

  • President Elect, American Phytopathological Society (2024)
  • Extraordinary Professor, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa (2021-2024)
  • Member, International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes (ICSP, 2005-present)
  • Secretary, Judicial Commission ICSP (2014 -2020), Member (2014-2023)
  • Convener, International Society of Plant Pathology Committee on Taxonomy of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria (2006-present; Member 2000-2022)
  • Inaguaral Director, Penn State Microbiome Center (2016-2022)

Feature Stories

Penn State faculty member elected to plant pathology society leadership, August 2, 2023

Bull steps down at Microbiome Center, looks forward to future innovation, October 3, 2022

Bull elected fellow of American Phytopathological Society, August 24, 2020

Plant Pathologist Aid Investigation of Lettuce Disease, May 28, 2020

Mighty Microbiome, Ag Science Magazine. March 2020

Trailblazers: Carolee Bull Investigates the Microbiome, September 18, 2019

Plant pathologist awarded grant to aid global study of seedborne pathogens, October 3, 2019

College of Agricultural Sciences Department Head Honored by Alma Mater by Amy Duke, November 1, 2017.

Bull Gives Doidge Memorial Lecture at SASPP Congress and Collaborates at FABI, January 17, 2017.

Current Research in the Bull Lab by Carolee Bull, December 19, 2016.

Recap of “How to Be Your Own Best Mentor" Workshop with Dr. Carolee Bull by Kelly Marie Ness, March 9, 2016.

Other Stories

Penn State Microbiome Center and GALT Enter Collaboration, August 4, 2020.


  • Commonwealth Award, Penn State Microbiome Center, (July 2022). The Penn State Microbiome Center Commonwealth Award was developed in Bull’s honor to recognize unwavering, enduring service to the commonwealth of our communities in any area of the microbiome sciences. The inaugural honor was awarded to Bull at the 2022 Microbiome Center Symposium for her dedication to serve the wellbeing of science and scientists through her service.
  • Team member/PI, (August 2022). National Extension Diversity Award offered by the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) and USDA-NIFA for Penn State Extension’s Latinx Agricultural Network for which I wrote and managed the foundational grant that established this community of practice .
  • Fellow, American Phytopathological Society, (August 2020). Bull was recognized for contributions in translational taxonomy, including the use or development of taxonomic frameworks and methods for identification, classification and description of novel bacterial plant and mushroom pathogens; improved detection methods; descriptions of natural and artificial host ranges; and development of integrated disease management systems in conventional and organic systems.
  • USDA Secretary's Honor Award (2013) for Outreach, Diversity, and Equal Opportunity. The USDA Secretary's Honor Award is the highest award in agriculture for service to the nation.
  • Administrator's Outreach, Diversity, and Equal Opportunity Award, USDA/ARS (2012).
  • Mentor of the Year Award, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center at California State University Monterey Bay (inaugural; 2012).
  • Science and Technology Hall of Fame Inductee, Sewickley Academy (inaugural; 2015).
  • Outreach, Diversity, and Equal Opportunity Award, USDA/ARS/PWA (2012).
  • Research Fellow, Office for Economic Cooperation and Development (2004).
  • Special Service Award, USDA/ARS, HCRL Fresno, CA (1997).
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC (1991).
  • Savoury Outstanding Graduate Student, College of Agricultural Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis (1992): for outstanding scholarship and university service.
  • Nellie Townley Heald Scholarship, Department of Plant Pathology, Washington State University, Pullman (1987): for outstanding contributions to the department.
  • Young Botanist Award, Botanical Society of America, St. Louis, MO (1985).
  • Elizabeth Lash Brague Memorial Scholarship, Ohio University, Athens (1982).
  • James Cavalier Scholarship, Sewickley Academy, Sewickley, PA (1980).

Current External Funding

  • PI: Northeast SARE - The Northeast Arugula Team (NEAT):Evaluation and Mitigation of Limitations to Profitability for Arugula and Brassica Leafy Green Production. $237,756 (2023 - 2025).
  • Project Director: USDA NIFA SCRI - Integrated Management of Emerging Seedborne Bacterial Diseases of Cucurbits and Chenopods, $3,760,000 + equivalent matching (2019 - 2024).
  • Co-PI (German Sandoya, PI), USDA AMS Specialty Crop Multi-State Program, Improving Lettuce Cultivars against Bacterial Leaf Spot (BLS) Through Breeding,Genetics, and Study of the BLS-Lettuce Interaction. $850,816 (2020 - 2023).
  • Co-PI (Kevin Hockett, PI), USDA NIFA Equipment Grants Program, Prospecting Microbial Diversity and Functions Associated with Agricultural, Environmental, and Food Systems via the Prospector Instrument. $130,875 (2020 - 2021).
  • Co-PI (David Beyer, PI), USDA NIFA OREI, Collaborative Research and Extension Network Addressing Challenges for Sustainable Organic Mushroom Production, $959,991 (2017 - 2021)

Professional Service


Professional Service to the International Committee on the Systematics of Prokaryotes, International Union of Microbiological Societies: Member, International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes (2005-present); Secretary, Judicial Commission (2014 -2017; 2017-2020; elected); Member of Judicial Commission (2014-2023; elected).

Professional Service to the International Society of Plant Pathology (ISPP): Convener, International Society of Plant Pathology Committee on Taxonomy of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria (2006-2022; Member 2000-2006); Scientific Program Committee Member (2019-2022), ISPP Bacteriology Committee, International Conference of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, Assisi, Italy Scientific Program Committee Member, International Society of Plant Pathology’s 11th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Boston, MA (2018) Scientific Program Committee Member, International Society of Plant Pathology’s 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Beijing China (2013); Scientific Program Committee Member, ISPP Bacteriology Committee, International Conference of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria Le Reunion, France (2010; invited to serve for the 2018 meeting)

Professional Service to the National Research Foundation, South Africa: Reviewer, Applications for NRF ratings 2020 (1); 2019 (2); 2017 (1), 2015 (1), NRF Postdoctoral Grants 2019 (2), NRF Graduate Student Grants 2015 (1).

Service to the University of Pretoria: Co-Supervisor, Dissertation Committee, PhD Student 2018- 2021; External examiner, MS Thesis 2014. Host, hosted a PhD student in my lab at Penn State during the summer of 2017. See presentations and trainings provided during visits listed below. Administrator, MOU between the University of Pretoria and The Pennsylvania State University (2017 to present). Letters of support, I have written numerous letters of support for fellowships for students, postdocs, and faculty at the University of Pretoria since 2008.

US National/Regional

Professional Service to the American Phytopathological Society (APS): Member, Office of Education (2012-2018; undergraduate education task force); Member, North East Division Symposium Committee Organizer (2016-2019); Judge, Potomac Division Graduate Student Competition (2017, 2019); Judge, North Eastern Division Graduate Student Competition (2016); Councilor-at-Large (2008–2011); Affiliate, National Academy of Sciences, US National Committee to the International Union of Microbiological Societies (2005-2011); Member, Nomination Committee (2010); Section Chair, Scientific Program Board and Annual Meeting Planning Committee (2001–2007); Senior Editor, APS Press (2003–2006); Member, Office of Electronic Communications or Electronic Technology Advisory Committee (1996–2006); Member, Committee on Diversity and Equality (1988–present); Chair and Vice Chair, Electronic Technology Advisory Committee (1997–1999); Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on the Needs of Young Professionals (2003); Participant, Leadership Forum (2002–2006; 2008–2010); Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Placement (2000); Editor, Pacific Division Newsletter (2000–2002); Member, Bacteriology Committee (1996–1999; 2001–2004; 2008-present); Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Journals (1996–1998); Member, Short Course Advisory Committee (2000); Member, President-Elect Nominating Committee, Pacific Division (1996; 2005).

Service to Penn State University: Member, iChange Committee (2021); Member, iMPS-HLS Executive Committee (2016-present); Presidential Appointee - Faculty Scholar Medal Selection Committee (2019; 2020; 2022); Member, Vice Provost Committee for development of the Academic Leadership Forum (2017-2019), Member, Planning Committee of the Wild and Tamed Phytobiomes Conference (2017-2018). Member, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education Search Committee (2021); Faculty Advisor, Blooms and Shrooms student club (2016-2019); Identification of potential opportunity hires of URM faculty invited by other departments (ABE 2017; EMS 2018); Multiple Multicultural Diversity Fellow invites (2016-2018); Reviewer, Strategic Networking Initiative Program Proposals (2016); Reviewer, Alex and Jessie C. Black Award for Excellence in Research Award (2016)

Service to other Universities: I have written 20 promotion and review letters for national and international institutions and three letters for university wide awards since 2015.

Service to the US Government: Panel Member, NSF (2020); Panel Member, USDA Northeastern SARE R (2018); Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates Fellowships Program Panel Member, USDA (2018; 2017); USDA RPES Referee (6 since 2015); Panel Member, USDA Northeastern SARE (2017); Acting Assistant Area Director, USDA/ARS/PWA (Pacific West Area (PWA), 2012); Panel Manager, USDA, CSREES, Organic Research Initiative and the Integrated Organic Program (2003, 2004); Panel Member, USDA, CSREES, Organic Transitions Program (2001, 2002); Co-organizer and Symposium Editor, USDA Workshop on Organic Agriculture “Opportunities and Obstacles for Broader Adoption of Organic Agriculture” (2005); Panel Member, Research. Position Evaluation System USDA/ARS (2013, 2014); New Scientist Mentor, USDA/ARS/PWA (2012–present); Subject Matter Expert, Probationary Review Panel, USDA/ARS/PWA (2012); Host, Congressional Delegation. USDA/ARS, CIPRU (2012); Recruitment Panel Member, USDA/ARS, Shafter Cotton Research Station, Shafter, CA (2004–2005); Planning Team Member and Facilitator, USDA/ARS Organic Workshop held in January 2005 in Austin, TX (2004–2005); Facilitator, USDA/ARS Workshop on Critical Issues of Biological Control, Greenbelt MD (January 2004); Chair, USDA/ARS, ONP, Task Team on Biological Control in Organic Agriculture (2004–2008); Office of National Programs Detail: Developed survey of organic research conducted by ARS scientists, summarized responses and provided a plan for developing the ARS National Program in organic agriculture (2002).

Additional Professional Service: Member, Administrative Council of the Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (WSARE; 2012-2015); Member, Editorial Board for Biological Control (2001-present). Invited to serve as Editor in 2008 but declined due to other obligations; Chair, Science & Math Institute Advisory Board, Hartnell College, Salinas, California (2009 - 2014); Steering Committee Member, Scientific Congress on Organic Agriculture Research (SCOAR; 2000-2010); Ad hoc Reviewer, Completed numerous ad hoc reviews for peer reviewed journals, national and international granting programs, and promotion and tenure committees each year.

Undergraduate Research Leading to Publications

Former undergraduate researchers supervised by C.T. Bull are listed in bold)

  • Bull, C. T., Gebben, S. J., Goldman, P. H., Trent, M. A., Hayes, R. J. 2015. Host genotype and hypersensitive reaction influence population levels of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vitians in lettuce. Phytopathology, 105:316-324.
  • Bull, C. T., Ortiz-Lytle, M. C., Ibarra, A. G., du Toit, L. J., and Reynolds G. J. 2015. First report of bacterial blight of crucifers caused by Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis in Minnesota on arugula (Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa). Plant Disease, 99:415.
  • Hayes, R. J., Trent, M., Mou, B. Simko, I., Gebben, S. J. and Bull, C. T. 2014. Baby leaf lettuce germplasm enhancement: developing diverse populations with resistance to bacterial leaf spot caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. vitians. HortScience, 49:679-687.
  • Rubio, I., Hiddink, G., Asma, M. and Bull, C. T. 2012. First report of the crucifer pathogen Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis causing bacterial blight on radish (Raphanus sativus) in Germany. Plant Disease, 96:904.
  • Schofield, D. A., Bull, C. T., Rubio, I., Wechter, W. P., Westwater, C., Molineux, I. J. 2012. Development of an engineered bioluminescent reporter phage for the detection of bacterial blight of crucifers. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78:3592–3598.
  • Jardini, T. M., Koike, S.T., and Bull, C.T. 2011. First report of bacterial streak of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) in California caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. apii. Plant Disease, 96:285.
  • Bull, C. T. and Rubio, I. 2011. First report of bacterial blight of crucifers caused by Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis in Australia. Plant Disease, DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-11-10-0804.
  • Bull, C. T., Clarke, C. R., Cai, R., Vinatzer, B. A., Jardini, T. M., Koike, S. T. 2011. Multilocus sequence typing of Pseudomonas syringae sensu lato confirms previously described genomospecies and permits rapid identification of P. syringae pv. coriandricola and P. syringae pv. apii causing bacterial leaf spot on parsley. Phytopathology, 101:847-858.
  • Mauzey, S. J., Koike, S. T. and Bull, C. T. 2010. First report of bacterial blight of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) caused by Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis in California. Plant Disease, 95:71
  • Bull, C. T., Mauzey, S. J. and Koike, S. T. 2010. First report of bacterial blight of Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea L. var. gemmifera) caused by Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis in California. Plant Disease, 94:1375 DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-07-10-0538.
  • Bull, C. T., Huerta A. I., Koike, S. T. 2009. First report of blossom blight of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) caused by Pseudomonas marginalis in California. Plant Disease, 12: 1350. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-93-12-1350B.


Manipulating button mushroom casing affects the disease dynamics of blotch and green mold disease
Mycological Research, O'Connor, Eoin, Vieira, Fabricio, Di Tomassi, I, Richardson, Rachel, Hockett, Kevin L., Bull, Carolee T., Pecchia, John A., 2024

A qPCR assay for specific detection of Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis
Plant Disease, Noh, Enoch, Cedeno, Cameron, Keinath, Anthony, Wechter, William, Bull, Carolee, Wang, Hehe, 2024

Judicial Opinion 130
International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, Arahal, David R., Bull, Carolee T., Christensen, Henrik, Chuvochina, Maria, Dunlap, Christopher, Montero-Calasanz, Maria Del Carmen, Parker, Charles T., Vandamme, Peter, Ventosa, Antonio, Ventura, Stefano, Young, Peter, Göker, Markus, 2024

Rarity of Pseudomonas agarici on Edible Mushrooms Associated with Susceptibility to Biological Competition
Plant Disease, Moallem, Mahsa, Hamidizade, Mozhde, Taghavi, S., Aeini, Milad, Abachi, Hamid, Haghighi, Shahrad, Soleimani, Ardavan, Hockett, Kevin L., Bull, Carolee Theresa, Osdaghi, Ebrahim, 2024

Judicial Opinion 129
International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, Arahal, David R., Bull, Carolee T., Christensen, Henrik, Chuvochina, Maria, Dedysh, Svetlana N., Fournier, Pierre Edouard, Konstantinidis, Konstantinos T., Parker, Charles T., Ventosa, Antonio, Young, Peter, Göker, Markus, 2024

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Amin, Muryanto, Hasibuan, Poppy Anjelisa Zaitun, Herak, David, Kumhala, Frantisek, Supriana, Tavi, Lisnawita, , Damanik, Revandy I.M., Julianti, Elisa, Sigalingging, Riswanti, Wibowo, Rulianda Purnomo, Rahmawati, Nini, Fatoni, R. B.Moh Ibrahim, Ayu, Putri Chandra, Raju, , Wahyuni, Hafnes, Pebriyani, Dian, Nursa'adah, , Alfi, Rahmatika, Venawati, Yustika, Kabutey, Abraham, Bull, Carolee T., Purba, Edison, Mahmud, Taifo, Maathuis, Frans, Siregar, Hermanto, Munir, Erman, Franco, Chris, Villano, Renatto Andrin, Bhandari, Bhesh, Razak Alimon, A., Wenuganen, Supaya, Hasanah, Yaya, Chalil, Diana, Tafsin, Ma'ruf, Harahap, Lukman Adlin, Romauli, Nauas Domu Marihot, Susetya, Ipanna Enggar, Maser, Wahyu Haryati, Patriani, Peni, Hasanah, Uswatun, Sinamo, Karina Nola, Khaliqi, Muhammad, Dewinta, Astrid Fauzia, Manurung, Vindy Rilani, Akasah, Wida, Desnamrina, Kennie Cendekia, Harahap, Edy Syahputra, Addina, Syahira, Ginting, Kristiawan Hadinata, 2024

Manipulating Agaricus bisporus developmental patterns by passaging microbial communities in complex substrates
Microbiology spectrum, Vieira, Fabricio Rocha, Di Tomassi, Isako, Tomassi, Isako Di, O'Connor, Eoin, Bull, Carolee T., Pecchia, John A., Hockett, Kevin, 2023

Guidelines for interpreting the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes and for preparing a Request for an Opinion
International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, Arahal, David R., Bull, Carolee T., Busse, Hans Jürgen, Christensen, Henrik, Chuvochina, Maria, Dedysh, Svetlana N., Fournier, Pierre Edouard, Konstantinidis, Konstantinos T., Parker, Charles T., Rossello-Mora, Ramon, Ventosa, Antonio, Göker, Markus, 2023

Fungicidal control of anthracnose basal rot on an annual bluegrass putting green turf, 2022.
Plant Management Disease Reports, Uddin, W, Fescemyer, William, Islam, Md Tariqul, Bull, Carolee, 2023

Judicial Opinion 128
International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, Arahal, David, Busse, Hans-Jürgen, Christensen, Henrik, Bull, Carolee, Christensen, Henrik, Chuvochina, Maria, Dedysh, Svetlana N., Chuvochina, Maria, Fournier, Pierre Edouard, Dedysh, Svetlana, Konstantinidis, Konstantinos T., Fournier, Pierre-Edouard, Konstantinidis, Konstantinos, Parker, Charles T., Parker, Charles, Rossello-Mora, Ramon, Ventosa, Antonio, Rossello-Mora, Ramon, Göker, Markus, Ventosa, Antonio, Göker, Markus, 2023

Predators of Soil Bacteria in Plant and Human Health
Phytobiomes Journal, Martins, Samuel, Taerum, Stephen, Triplett, Lindsay, Emerson, Joanne, Zasada, Inga, de Toledo, Beatriz, Kovac, Jasna, Martin, Kendall, Bull, Carolee Theresa, 2022

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) germplasm resistant to bacterial leaf spot caused by race 1 of Xanthomonas hortorum pv. vitians (Brown 1918) Morinière et al. 2020
Journal of Plant Pathology, Sandoya, Germán V., Rosenthal, Emma, Simko, Ivan, Rodrigues-Porto, Lis N., Wadlington, William H., Bull, Carolee T., Carroll, Amanda, 2022

Judicial Opinions 123–127
International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, Arahal, David, Busse, Hans-Jürgen, Busse, Hans Jürgen, Bull, Carolee, Christensen, Henrik, Chuvochina, Maria, Dedysh, Svetlana, Fournier, Pierre-Edouard, Konstantinidis, Konstantinos, Parker, Charles, Rossello-Mora, Ramon, Ventosa, Antonio, Göker, Markus, 2022

Ewingella americana: An Emerging Multifaceted Pathogen of Edible Mushrooms
Phytopathology, Hamidizade, Mozhde, Taghavi, S. Mohsen, Moallem, Mahsa, Aeini, Milad, Fazliarab, Amal, Abachi, Hamid, Herschlag, Rachel, Hockett, Kevin L., Bull, Carolee T., Osdaghi, Ebrahim, 2022

Bacterial Leaf Spot of Cucurbits, Beets, and Swiss Chard, Garcia Rodriguez, Raymond, Gugino, B, Bull, Carolee, 2021

Lettuce Bacterial Leaf Spot, Gorgo-Gourovitch, M, Rosenthal, Emma, Bull, Carolee, 2021

Species of dickeya and pectobacterium isolated during an outbreak of blackleg and soft rot of potato in northeastern and north central united states
Microorganisms, Curland, R, Mainello, A, Perry, Keith L., Hao, Jianjun, Charkowski, Amy O., Bull, Carolee T., McNally, Ryan R., Johnson, Steven B., Rosenzweig, Noah, Secor, Gary A., Larkin, Robert P., Gugino, Beth, Ishimaru, Carol A., 2021

First Report of Brown Spot on White Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) Caused by Cedecea neteri in Iran
Plant Disease, Hamidzade, Mozhde, Hamidizade, Mozhde, Mohsen Taghavi, S., Taghavi, Moshen, Taghavi, S., Mafakheri, Hamzeh, Herschlag, Rachel, Martins, Samuel, Hockett, Kevin, Bull, Carolee, Osdaghi, Ebrahim, 2021

Clarifying the taxonomy of the causal agent of bacterial leaf spot of lettuce through a polyphasic approach reveals that Xanthomonas cynarae Trébaol et al. 2000 emend. Timilsina et al. 2019 is a later heterotypic synonym of Xanthomonas hortorum Vauterin et al. 1995
Systematic and Applied Microbiology, Morinière, Lucas, Burlet, Alexandre, Rosenthal, Emma R., Nesme, Xavier, Portier, Perrine, Bull, Carolee T., Lavire, Céline, Fischer-Le Saux, Marion, Bertolla, Franck, 2020

Transfer of Xanthomonas campestris pv. arecae and X. campestris pv. musacearum to X. vasicola (Vauterin) as X. vasicola pv. arecae comb. nov. And X. vasicola pv. musacearum comb. nov. And description of X. vasicola pv. vasculorum pv. nov.
Phytopathology, Studholme, David J., Wicker, Emmanuel, Abrare, Sadik Muzemil, Aspin, Andrew, Bogdanove, Adam, Broders, Kirk, Dubrow, Zoe, Grant, Murray, Jones, Jeffrey B., Karamura, Georgina, Lang, Jillian, Leach, Jan, Mahuku, George, Nakato, Gloria Valentine, Coutinho, Teresa, Smith, Julian, Bull, Carolee T., 2020

Bacterial brown pit, a new disease of edible mushrooms caused by mycetocola sp.
Plant Disease, Hamidizade, Mozhde, Taghavi, S. Mohsen, Martins, Samuel J., Herschlag, Rachel A., Hockett, Kevin L., Bull, Carolee T., Osdaghi, Ebrahim, 2020

Identification of Pseudomonas isolates associated with bacterial canker of stone fruit trees in the Western Cape, South Africa
Plant Disease, Bophela, Khumbuzile N., Petersen, Yolanda, Carolee, T. Bull, Teresa, A. Coutinho, 2020

Comparing approaches for capturing bacterial assemblages associated with symptomatic (Bacterial Blotch) and asymptomatic mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) caps
Phytobiomes Journal, Martins, Samuel, Trexler, Ryan, Vieira, Fabricio R., Pecchia, John A., Kandel, Prem, Hockett, Kevin L., Bell, Terrence H., Bull, Carolee T., 2020

The emergence of microbiome centres
Nature Microbiology, Martiny, Jennifer, Whiteson, Katrine, Bohannan, Brendan, David, Lawrence, Hynson, Nicole, McFall-Ngai, Margaret, Rawls, John, Schmidt, Thomas, Abdo, Zaid, Blaser, Martin, Bordenstein, Seth, Bréchot, Christian, Bull, Carolee T., Dorrestein, Pieter, Eisen, Jonathan, Garcia-Pichel, Ferran, Gilbert, Jack, Hofmockel, Kirsten, Holtz, Mary, Knight, Rob, Mark Welch, David, McDonald, Daniel, Methé, Barbara, Mouncey, Nigel, Mueller, Noel, Pfister, Catherine, Proctor, Lita, Sachs, Joel, 2020

Genetic analysis of resistance to bacterial leaf spot in the heirloom lettuce cultivar Reine des Glaces
Molecular Breeding, Sandoya, Germán V., Maisonneuve, Brigitte, Truco, Maria Jose, Bull, Carolee T., Simko, Ivan, Trent, Mark, Hayes, Ryan J., Michelmore, Richard W., 2019

Translational taxonomy for bacterial blotch management.
Mushroom News, Bull, Carolee, 2019

Observation of Drippy Nut Disease on Oak In Southeastern NY in 2017-2018
Phytopathology, Mainello, Amanda, Daughtrey, Margery, Bull, Carolee, 2019

Request for revision of the statutes of the international committee on systematics of prokaryotes
International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, Whitman, William B., Bull, Carolee T., Busse, Hans Jürgen, Fournier, Pierre Edouard, Oren, Aharon, Ventura, Stefano, 2019

Corrigendum: Inference of convergent gene acquisition among pseudomonas syringae strains isolated from watermelon, cantaloupe, and squash (Frontiers in Microbiology (2019) 10 (270) DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00270)
Frontiers in Microbiology, Newberry, Eric A., Ebrahim, Mohamed, Timilsina, Sujan, Zlatković, Nevena, Obradoví, Aleksa, Bull, Carolee T., Goss, Erica M., Huguet-Tapia, Jose C., Paret, Mathews L., Jones, Jeffrey B., Potnis, Neha, 2019

100 years since Tolaas: Bacterial blotch of mushrooms in the 21st century
Plant Disease, Osdaghi, Ebrahim, Martins, Samuel, Ramos-Sepulveda, Laura, Vieira, Fabrício Rocha, Rocha Vieira, Fabrício, Pecchia, John A., Beyer, David, Bell, Terrence H., Yang, Yinong, Hockett, Kevin L., Bull, Carolee T., 2019

Genome-based evolutionary history of Pseudomonas spp
Environmental Microbiology, Hesse, Cedar, Schulz, Frederik, Bull, Carolee T., Shaffer, Brenda T., Yan, Qing, Shapiro, Nicole, Hassan, Karl A., Varghese, Neha, Elbourne, Liam D.H., Paulsen, Ian T., Kyrpides, Nikos, Woyke, Tanja, Loper, Joyce E., 2018

First report of black rot caused by Xanthomonas campestris on arugula in California
Plant Disease, Rosenthal, E. R., Sepulveda, L. Ramos, Bull, C. T., Koike, S. T., 2018

Genetic diversity and virulence of wheat and barley strains of xanthomonas translucens from the upper midwestern United States
Phytopathology, Curland, Rebecca D., Gao, Liangliang, Bull, Carolee T., Vinatzer, Boris A., Dill-Macky, Ruth, Van Eck, Leon, Ishimaru, Carol A., 2018

Bacterial gall of Loropetalum chinense caused by Pseudomonas amygdali pv. loropetali pv. nov.
Plant Disease, Harmon, Carrie Lapaire, Timilsina, Sujan, Bonkowski, John, Jones, Debra D., Sun, Xiaoan, Vallad, Gary E., Sepulveda, Laura Ramos, Bull, Carolee, Jones, Jeffrey B., 2018

Genetic diversity and virulence of wheat and barley strains of Xanthomonas translucens from the Upper Midwestern United States.
Phytopathology, Currland, Rebecca, Gao, Liangliang, Bull, Carolee, Von Eck, Leon, Vinatzer, Boris, Dill-Macky, Ruth, Ishimaru, Carol, 2017

First report of bacterial leaf spot caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. Tomato on kale in california
Plant Disease, Koike, S. T., Alger, E. I., Ramos Sepulveda, L., Bull, C. T., 2017

Detection of Pseudomonas pathogens from crucifers, Koike, S, Bull, Carolee, 2017

Plant pathogenic prokaryotes, Bull, Carolee, Koike, S, Huerta, A, Jardini, T, Mauzey, S, Rubio, I, Zacaroni, A, 2017

Targeting the bad and the ugly Pseudomonas spp. causing bacterial diseases in mushroom production
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, Sepulveda, Laura, Soltanov, Vsevolod, Bull, Carolee, 2017

Angular leaf spot of cucurbits is associated with genetically diverse pseudomonas syringae strains
Plant Disease, Newberry, E. A., Jardini, T. M., Rubio, I., Roberts, P. D., Babu, B., Koike, S. T., Bouzar, H., Goss, E. M., Jones, J. B., Bull, C. T., Paret, M. L., 2016

The U.S. Culture Collection Network lays the foundation for progress in preservation of valuable microbial resources
Phytopathology, McCluskey, Kevin, Alvarez, Anne, Bennett, Rick, Bokati, Deepak, Boundy-Mills, Kyria, Brown, Daniel, Bull, Carolee T., Coffey, Michael, Dreaden, Tyler, Duke, Clifford, Dye, Greg, Ehmke, Erin, Eversole, Kellye, Fenstermacher, Kristi, Geiser, David, Glaeser, Jessie A., Greene, Stephanie, Gribble, Lisa, Griffith, M. Patrick, Hanser, Kathryn, Humber, Richard, Johnson, Barbara W., Kermode, Anthony, Krichevsky, Micah, Laudon, Matt, Leach, Jan, Leslie, John, May, Meghan, Melcher, Ulrich, Nobles, David, Fonseca, Natalia Risso, Robinson, Sara, Ryan, Matthew, Scott, James, Silflow, Carolyn, Vidaver, Anne, Webb, Kimberly M., Wertz, John E., Yentsch, Sara, Zehr, Sarah, 2016

Multilocus sequence typing of strains of bacterial spot of lettuce collected in the United States
Phytopathology, Fayette, Joubert, Raid, Richard, Roberts, Pamela D., Jones, Jeffrey B., Pernezny, Ken, Bull, Carolee T., Goss, Erica M., 2016

Host genotype and hypersensitive reaction influence population levels of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vitians in lettuce
Phytopathology, Bull, Carolee T., Gebben, Samantha J., Goldman, Polly H., Trent, Mark, Hayes, Ryan J., 2015