María del Mar Jiménez Gasco, Ph.D.

María del Mar Jiménez Gasco, Ph.D.

  • Department Head, Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology;
  • Professor of Plant Pathology;
  • Coordinator and Adviser of the Undergraduate Minor in Plant Pathology
309 Buckhout Lab (office)
402/403 Buckhout Lab (labs)

University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Population biology
  • Ecology of plant-associated microorganisms
  • Fusarium and Verticillium wilts


  • M.Eng. 1997. Agricultural Sciences and Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering, University of Cordoba, Spain
  • Ph.D. 2001. Crop Protection, Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (IAS-CSIC) and University of Cordoba, Spain

Areas of Interest

Population biology of plant pathogens; Evolution of pathogenicity and virulence; Ecology of plant-associated microorganisms; Endophytic interactions; Vascular wilt fungi

Program Interests

I am fundamentally interested in the population-level processes that lead to the evolution of plant pathogenicity, virulence, and the emergence of fungicide and antibiotic resistance in microbial populations. In my lab we use molecular tools to study these processes within a population biology approach that connects population genetics and epidemiology. Research projects in my program currently focus on:

  • The ecological interactions between Fusarium oxysporum and plants, specifically non-pathogenic, endophytic interactions and their role in the emergence and evolution of plant pathogenicity. We are currently studying populations of F. oxysporum f.sp. cubense causing Panama disease of banana in Ecuador, endophytes from banana and chickpeas, and populations sampled from tomato fields.

  • The dual role of Verticillium dahliae, pathogenic on certain plants and endophytic on others, and the implications on the biology, ecology, persistence, and spread of this plant pathogenic fungus in agroecosystems. We are currently studying the effect of rotations in the development of Verticillium wilt of potato.

  • Understanding genetic diversity and host adaptation in populations of Verticillium nonalfalfae in PA forests, and their impact on the development of biocontrol against the invasive Tree-of-Heaven.

Research Team

Recent Publications

Ahmad, I., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., Luthe, D.S., and Barbercheck, M.E. 2022. Endophytic Metarhizium robertsii suppresses phytopathogen, Cochliobolus heterostrophus and modulates maize defenses. PLoS ONE 17(9): e0272944.

De Cal, A., Melgarejo, P., and Jiménez-Gasco, M.M. Editorial: Necrotrophic Fungal Plant Pathogens. Front. Plant Sci. 13:839674.

Bautista-Jalon, L.S., Frenkel, O., Tsror (Lahkim), L.L., Malcolm, G.M., Gugino, B.K., Lebiush, S., Hazanovsky, M., Milgroom, M. G., and Jiménez-Gasco, M.M. 2021. Genetic differentiation of Verticillium dahliae populations recovered from symptomatic and asymptomatic hosts. Phytopathology 111:149-159.

Ahmad, I., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., and Barbercheck, M. E. 2021. The role of endophytic insect-pathogenic fungi in plant growth promotion and protection. Chapter 13 in "Plant Stress Biology". B. Giri, and M. P. Sharma (Eds.). Springer Nature Singapore.

Monte, E., Hermosa, R., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., and Jiménez-Díaz, R.M. 2021. Are species concepts outdated for fungi? Intraspecific variation in plant-pathogenic fungi illustrates the need of subspecific categorization. Chapter 17 in "Trends in the Systematics of Bacteria and Fungi" (pp. 301-319). P. D. Bridge, D. Smith and E. Stackebrandt (Eds.).  ISBN: 978-1-789-24498-4. CABI Publishing, CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE, UK.

Crandall, S.G., Gold, K.M., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., Filgueiras, C.C., and Willett, D.S. 2020. A multi-omics approach to solving problems in plant disease ecology. PLoS ONE, 15(9): e0237975.

Magdama, F., Monserrate-Maggi, L., Serrano, L., Garcia-Onofre, J., and Jiménez-Gasco, M. M. 2020. Genetic diversity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense, the Fusarium wilt pathogen of banana, in Ecuador. Plants 9: 1133.

Ahmad, I., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., Luthe, D.S., and Barbercheck, M.E. 2020. Systemic colonization by Metarhizium robertsii enhances cover crop growth. Journal of Fungi 6, 64: 1-16.

Ahmad, I., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., Luthe, D.S., Shakeel, S.N., and Barbercheck, M.E. 2020. Endophytic Metarhizium robertsii promotes maize growth, suppresses insect growth, and alters plant defense gene expression. Biological Control 144: 104167.

Magdama, F., Monserrate-Maggi, L., Serrano, L., Sosa, D., Geiser., D.M., and Jiménez-Gasco, M.M. 2019. Comparative analysis uncovers the limitations of current molecular detection methods for Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4 strains. PLoS ONE 14(9): e0222727. 10.1371/journal.pone.0222727.

Aynardi, B.A., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M. and Uddin, W. 2019. Effects of isolates of Clarireedia jacksonii and Clarireedia monteithiana on severity of dollar spot in turfgrasses by host type.  European Journal of Plant Pathology 155: 817-829.

Bell, T.H., Hockett, K.L., Alcalá-Briseño, R.I., Barbercheck, M., Beattie, G.A., Bruns, M.A., Carlson, J.E., Chung, T., Collins, A., Emmet, B., Esker, P., Garrett, K.A., Glenna, L., Gugino, B., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., Kinkel, L., Kovac, J., Kowalski, K.P., Kuldau, G., Leveau, J.H., Michalska-Smith, M.J., Myrick, J,. Peter, K., Shade, A., Stopnisek, N., Tan, X., Welty, A.T., Wickings, K., and Yergeau, E. 2019. Manipulating Wild and Tamed Phytobiomes: Challenges and Opportunities. Phytobiomes Journal 3: 3-21.

Rafiei, V., Banihashemi, Z., Bautista-Jalon, L.S., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., Turgeon, B.G., and Milgroom, M.G. 2018. Genetic relationships among populations of Verticillium dahliae from cotton and pistachio in Iran using microsatellite markers and genotyping by sequencing. Phytopathology 108: 780-788.

Sitther, V., Garrido Haro, P.A., Molineros, J. E., Garzón, C.D, and Jiménez-Gasco, M.M. 2018. Genetic diversity of apple- and crabapple-infecting isolates of Venturia inaequalis in Pennsylvania, United States, determined by microsatellite markers. Forest Pathology 48:e12405.

Rafiei, V., Banihashemi, Z., Jiménez-Díaz, R.M., Navas-Cortés, J.A., Landa, B.B., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., Turgeon, B.G., and Milgroom, M.G. 2018. Comparison of genotyping by sequencing and microsatellite markers for unravelling population structure in the clonal fungus Verticillium dahliae. Plant Pathology 67: 76-86.

Jiménez-Díaz, R.M., Olivares-García, C., Trapero-Casas, J.L., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., Navas-Cortés, J.A., Landa., B.B., and  Milgroom, M.G. 2017. Variation of pathotypes and races and their correlations with clonal lineages in Verticillium dahliae. Plant Pathology 66: 651–666.

Milgroom, M.G., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., Olivares-García, C., and Jiménez-Díaz, R.M. 2016. Clonal expansion and migration of a highly virulent, defoliating lineage of Verticillium dahliae. Phytopathology 106: 1038-1046.

Demers, J.E. and Jiménez-Gasco, M.M. 2016. Evolution of nine microsatellite loci in the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. Journal of Molecular Evolution 82: 27-37.

Jiménez-Díaz, R.M., Castillo, P., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., Landa., B.B., and Navas-Cortés, J.A. 2015. Fusarium wilt of chickpeas: Biology, ecology and management. Crop Protection 73:16-27.

Guo, L., Blatt, A.Z., Geiser, D.M., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., and Kuldau, G.A. 2015. Mating type and spore killing characterization of Fusarium verticillioides strains. Mycological Progress 14: 16.

Demers, J.E., Gugino, B.K., and Jiménez-Gasco, M.M. 2015. Highly diverse endophytic and soil Fusarium oxysporum populations associated with field-grown tomato plants. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81: 81-90.

Milgroom, M.G., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., Olivares-Garcia, C., Drott, M.T., and Jiménez-Díaz, R.M. 2014. Recombination between clonal lineages of the asexual fungus Verticillium dahliae detected by Genotyping by Sequencing. PloS ONE 9(9): e106740.

Demers, J.E., Garzon, C.D., and Jiménez-Gasco, M.M. 2014. Striking genetic similarity between races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris confirms a monophyletic origin and clonal evolution of the chickpea vascular wilt pathogen. European Journal of Plant Pathology 139: 303-318.

Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., Malcolm, G.M., Berbegal, M., Armengol, J., and Jiménez-Díaz, R.M. 2014. Complex molecular relationship between Vegetative Compatibility Groups in Verticillium dahliae: VCGs do not always align with clonal lineages. Phytopathology 104: 650-659.

Testen, A. L., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., Ochoa, J. B., and Backman, P.A. 2014. Molecular detection of Peronospora variabilis in quinoa seeds and phylogeny of the quinoa downy mildew pathogen in South America and the United States. Phytopathology 104: 379-386.

Kang, S., Demers, J., Jiménez-Gasco, M.M., and Rep, M. 2014. Fusarium oxysporum. Chapter 5 in “Genomics of Plant-Associated Fungi and Oomycetes: Dicot Pathogens". R. A. Dean, A. Lichens-Park, and K. Chittaranjan (Eds.). Pages 99-120. ISBN: 978-3-662-44055-1. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Malcolm, G.M., Kuldau, G.A., Gugino, B.K., and Jiménez-Gasco, M.M. 2013. LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Hidden host plant associations of soilborne fungal pathogens: An ecological perspective. Phytopathology 103: 538-544.


Water Stress and Black Cutworm Feeding Modulate Plant Response in Maize Colonized by Metarhizium robertsii
Pathogens, Ahmad, Imtiaz, Jimenez-Gasco, Maria del Mar, Barbercheck, Mary E., 2024

Editorial: Necrotrophic Fungal Plant Pathogens
Frontiers in Plant Science, De Cal, Antonieta, Melgarejo, Paloma, Jimenez-Gasco, Maria Del Mar, 2022

Endophytic Metarhizium robertsii suppresses the phytopathogen, Cochliobolus heterostrophus and modulates maize defenses
PLoS One, Ahmad, I., Gasco-Jimenez, M., del Mar Jiménez-Gasco, María, Luthe, Dawn S., Barbercheck, Mary, 2022

Phylogenomic analysis of a 55.1-kb 19-gene dataset resolves a monophyletic fusarium that includes the fusarium solani species complex
Phytopathology, Geiser, David M., Al-Hatmi, Abdullah M.S., Aoki, Takayuki, Arie, Tsutomu, Balmas, Virgilio, Barnes, Irene, Bergstrom, Gary C., Bhattacharyya, Madan K., Blomquist, Cheryl L., Bowden, Robert L., Brankovics, Balazs, Brown, Daren W., Burgess, Lester W., Bushley, Kathryn, Busman, Mark, Cano-Lira, Jose F., Carrillo, Joseph D., Chang, Hao Xun, Chen, Chi Yu, Chen, Wanquan, Chilvers, Martin, Chulze, Sofia, Coleman, Jeffrey J., Cuomo, Christina A., Wilhelm de Beer, Z., Sybren de Hoog, G., Castillo-Munera, Johanna Del, Del Ponte, Emerson M., Dieguez-Uribeondo, Javier, Pietro, Antonio Di, Edel-Hermann, Veronique, Elmer, Wade H., Epstein, Lynn, Eskalen, Akif, Esposto, Maria Carmela, Everts, Kathryne L., Fernandez-Pavıa, Sylvia P., da Silva, Gilvan Ferreira, Foroud, Nora A., Fourie, Gerda, Frandsen, Rasmus J.N., Freeman, Stanley, Freitag, Michael, Frenkel, Omer, Fuller, Kevin K., Gagkaeva, Tatiana, Gardiner, Donald M., Glenn, Anthony E., Gold, Scott E., Gordon, Thomas R., Gregory, Nancy F., Gryzenhout, Marieka, Guarro, Josep, Gugino, Beth K., Gutierrez, Santiago, Hammond-Kosack, Kim E., Harris, Linda J., Homa, Monika, Hong, Cheng Fang, Hornok, Laszlo, Huang, Jenn Wen, Ilkit, Macit, Jacobs, Adriaana, Jacobs, Karin, Jiang, Cong, del Mar Jimenez-Gasco, Marıa, Kang, Seogchan, Kasson, Matthew T., Kazan, Kemal, Kennell, John C., Kim, Hye Seon, Corby Kistler, H., Kuldau, Gretchen A., Kulik, Tomasz, Kurzai, Oliver, Laraba, Imane, Laurence, Matthew H., Lee, Theresa, Lee, Yin Won, Lee, Yong Hwan, Leslie, John F., Liew, Edward C.Y., Lofton, Lily W., Logrieco, Antonio F., Lopez-Berges, Manuel S., Luque, Alicia G., Lysøe, Erik, Ma, Li Jun, Marra, Robert E., Martin, Frank N., May, Sara R., McCormick, Susan P., McGee, Chyanna, Meis, Jacques F., Migheli, Quirico, Mohamed Nor, N. M.I., Monod, Michel, Moretti, Antonio, Mostert, Diane, Mule, Giuseppina, Munaut, Françoise, Munkvold, Gary P., Nicholson, Paul, Nucci, Marcio, O’Donnell, Kerry, Pasquali, Matias, Pfenning, Ludwig H., Prigitano, Anna, Proctor, Robert H., Ranque, Stephane, Rehner, Stephen A., Rep, Martijn, Rodrıguez-Alvarado, Gerardo, Rose, Lindy Joy, Roth, Mitchell G., Ruiz-Roldan, Carmen, Saleh, Amgad A., Salleh, Baharuddin, Sang, Hyunkyu, Scandiani, Marıa Mercedes, Scauflaire, Jonathan, Schmale, David G., Short, Dylan P.G., Sisic, Adnan, Smith, Jason A., Smyth, Christopher W., Son, Hokyoung, Spahr, Ellie, Stajich, Jason E., Steenkamp, Emma, Steinberg, Christian, Subramaniam, Rajagopal, Suga, Haruhisa, Summerell, Brett A., Susca, Antonella, Swett, Cassandra L., Toomajian, Christopher, Torres-Cruz, Terry J., Tortorano, Anna M., Urban, Martin, Vaillancourt, Lisa J., Vallad, Gary E., van der Lee, Theo A.J., Vanderpool, Dan, van Diepeningen, Anne D., Vaughan, Martha M., Venter, Eduard, Vermeulen, Marcele, Verweij, Paul E., Viljoen, Altus, Waalwijk, Cees, Wallace, Emma C., Walther, Grit, Wang, Jie, Ward, Todd J., Wickes, Brian L., Wiederhold, Nathan P., Wingfield, Michael J., Wood, Ana K.M., Xu, Jin Rong, Yang, Xiao Bing, Yli-Mattila, Tapani, Yun, Sung Hwan, Zakaria, Latiffah, Zhang, Hao, Zhang, Ning, Zhang, Sean X., Zhang, Xue, 2021

The Role of Endophytic Insect-Pathogenic Fungi in Biotic Stress Management, Ahmad, Imtiaz, Jiménez-Gasco, María del Mar, Barbercheck, Mary E., 2021

Are species concepts outdated for fungi? Intraspecific variation in plant-pathogenic fungi illustrates the need of subspecific categorization, Monte, Enrique, Hermosa, Rosa, Jimenez Gasco, Maria Del Mar, Jimenez-Diaz, Rafael M., 2021

Genetic differentiation of verticillium dahliae populations recovered from symptomatic and asymptomatic hosts
Phytopathology, Bautista-Jalon, Laura, Bautista-Jalón, Laura S., Frenkel, Omer, Tsror, Leah, Tsror (Lahkim), Leah, Malcolm, Glenna M., Gugino, Beth K., Lebiush, Sara, Hazanovsky, Marina, Milgroom, Michael G., Jiménez-Gasco, Maria, Del Mar Jiménez-Gasco, María, 2021

The role of endophytic insect-pathogenic fungi in plant growth promotion and protection, Ahmed, Imtiaz, Jimenez Gasco, Maria Del Mar, Barbercheck, Mary Ellen, 2021

Genetic Diversity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense, the Fusarium Wilt Pathogen of Banana, in Ecuador
Plants, Magdama, Freddy, Monserrate-Maggi, Lorena, Serrano, Lizette, García Onofre, José, Jiménez-Gasco, María Del Mar, 2020

Systemic colonization by Metarhizium robertsii enhances cover crop growth
Journal of Fungi, Ahmad, Imtiaz, Del Mar Jiménez-Gasco, María, Luthe, Dawn S., Barbercheck, Mary E., 2020

Endophytic Metarhizium robertsii promotes maize growth, suppresses insect growth, and alters plant defense gene expression
Biological Control, Ahmad, Imtiaz, Jiménez-Gasco, María del Mar, Luthe, D., Barbercheck, Mary, Shakeel, Samina N., 2020

A multi-omics approach to solving problems in plant disease ecology
PLoS One, Crandall, Sharifa G, Gold, Kaitlin M, Jiménez-Gasco, María Del Mar, Filgueiras, Camila C, Willett, Denis S, 2020

Effects of isolates of Clarireedia jacksonii and Clarireedia monteithiana on severity of dollar spot in turfgrasses by host type
Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology, Aynardi, B. A., Jimenez-Gasco, M, Jiménez-Gasco, M. M., Uddin, W., 2019

Comparative analysis uncovers the limitations of current molecular detection methods for Fusarium oxysporum f. Sp. Cubense Race 4 strains
PLoS One, Magdama, Freddy, Monserrate-Maggi, Lorena, Serrano, Lizette, Sosa, Daynet, Geiser, David M., Jiménez-Gasco, María del Mar, 2019

Manipulating Wild and Tamed Phytobiomes: Challenges and Opportunities
Phytobiomes Journal, Collins, Alyssa, Bell, Terrence H, Hockett, Kevin, Esker, P, Alcala-Briseno, Ricardo, Gugino, B, Alcalá-Briseño, Ricardo, Barbercheck, Mary, Peter, K, Beattie, Gwyn, Bruns, Mary Ann, Carlson, John, Chung, Taejung, Collins, A, Emmett, Bryan, Esker, Paul, Garrett, Karen, Glenna, Leland, Gugino, Beth K., Del Mar Jiménez-Gasco, María, del Mar Jimenez Gasco, M, Jimenez Gasco, Maria del Mar, Kinkel, Linda, Kovac, Jasna, Kowalski, Kurt, Kowalski, Kurt, Leveau, Johan, Myrick, J, Kuldau, Gretchen, Peter, K, Leveau, Johan, Michalska-Smith, Matthew, Salazar, Maria, Myrick, Jessica, Shade, Ashley, Peter, Kari, Stopnisek, Nejc, Tan, Xiaoqing, Vivanco Salazar, Maria fernanda, Salazar, Maria, Shade, Ashley, Welty, Amy, Stopinsek, Nejc, Stopnisek, Nejc, Wickings, Kyle, Yergeau, Etienne, Tan, Xiaoqing, Welty, Amy, Wickings, Kyle, Wickings, Etienne, Yergeau, Etienne, 2019

Population genetics of verticillium dahliae in Iran based on microsatellite and single nucleotide polymorphism markers
Phytopathology, Rafiei, Vahideh, Banihashemi, Ziaeddin, Bautista-Jalon, Laura S., del Mar Jiménez-Gasco, Maria, Gillian Turgeon, B., Milgroom, Michael G., 2018

Genetic diversity of apple- and crabapple-infecting isolates of Venturia inaequalis in Pennsylvania, the United States, determined by microsatellite markers
Forest Pathology, Sitther, V., Garrido Haro, P. A., Molineros, J. E., Garzon, C. D., Jiménez-Gasco, M. M., 2018

Comparison of genotyping by sequencing and microsatellite markers for unravelling population structure in the clonal fungus Verticillium dahliae
Plant Pathology, Rafiei, V., Banihashemi, Z., Jiménez-Díaz, R. M., Navas-Cortés, J. A., Landa, B. B., Jiménez-Gasco, M. M., Turgeon, B. G., Milgroom, M. G., 2018

Diversity, genetics and ecology: Verticillium dahliae a case study., Jiménez-Gasco, Maria, 2018

To be host or not to be: The role of asymptomatic hosts in the management of Verticillium wilt of potato, Bautista-Jalon, Laura del Sol, Milgroom, Michael, Gugino, Beth, Frenkel, Omer, Tsror, Leah, Bull, C, del Mar Jimenez Gasco, M, 2018

Variation of pathotypes and races and their correlations with clonal lineages in Verticillium dahliae
Plant Pathology, Jiménez-Díaz, R. M., Olivares-García, C., Trapero-Casas, J. L., Jiménez-Gasco, M. M., Navas-Cortés, J. A., Landa, B. B., Milgroom, M. G., 2017

Examining factors in the development of adaptive resistance to oxytetracylcine in Xanthomonas arboricola pv pruni, causal agent of bacterial spot of stone fruit
Pennsylvania Fruit News, Bardsley, S, Peter, K, Jiménez-Gasco, Maria, 2017

Clonal expansion and migration of a highly virulent, defoliating lineage of Verticillium dahliae
Phytopathology, Milgroom, Michael G., Jiménez-Gasco, María Del Mar, Olivares-García, Concepción, Jiménez-Díaz, Rafael M., 2016

Evolution of Nine Microsatellite Loci in the Fungus Fusarium oxysporum
Journal of Molecular Evolution, Demers, Jill E., Jiménez-Gasco, María del Mar, 2016

Evaluation of alternative chemicals for bacterial spot management and mitigation of the risk of antibiotic resistance development in Pennsylvania stone fruit orchards
Pennsylvania Fruit News, Bardsley, S, Peter, K, Jiménez-Gasco, Maria, 2016

Cultivating Graduate Student Success: Integrating Natural and Social Sciences to Promote Interdisciplinary Research and Teaching, Miller Foster, Melanie, Jimenez-Gasco, Maria, 2016

Tetracycline resistance genes in epiphytic bacteria collected from Pennsylvania stone fruit orchards, Bardsley, Sarah, Peter, Kari, Ngugi, Henry, Jimenez-Gasco, Maria, 2016

Fusarium wilt of chickpeas: Biology, ecology and management
Crop Protection, Jiménez-Díaz, Rafael M., Castillo, Pablo, Jiménez-Gasco, María del Mar, Landa, Blanca B., Navas-Cortés, Juan A., 2015

Highly diverse endophytic and soil Fusarium oxysporum populations associated with field-grown tomato plants
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Demers, Jill E., Gugino, Beth K., Jiménez-Gasco, María del Mar, 2015

Mating type and spore killing characterization of Fusarium verticillioides strains
Mycological Progress, Guo, Li, Blatt, Adam Z., Geiser, David M., Jiménez-Gasco, Maria del Mar, Kuldau, Gretchen A., 2015

Evaluation of alternative chemicals for bacterial spot management and mitigation of the risk of antibiotic resistance development in Pennsylvania stone fruit orchards
Pennsylvania Fruit News, Bardsley, S, Peter, K, Jiménez-Gasco, Maria, 2015

Pathogenicity and phylogenetics of the celery anthracnose pathogen, Colletotrichum fioriniae (= C. acutatum sensu lato), Pavel, J, Feng, C, Liu, B, Correll, James, May, Sara, Gugino, Beth, Jimenez Gasco, Maria, Hausbeck, M, Raid, M, Koike, S, 2015