Donald D. Davis, Ph.D.

Donald D. Davis, Ph.D.

  • Professor Emeritus
323 Buckhout Lab (office)
University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Tree Diseases
  • Biocontrol


  • B.S., Forestry, Penn State University
  • M.S., Forestry, Penn State University
  • Ph.D., Plant Pathology, Penn State University

Areas of Interest

Health of hardwood forests of the Northeast; hardwood tree fungal pathogens; etiology of hardwood tree diseases; rust diseases other diseases of the oak forest understory. 

Program Interests

My general projects are directed towards determining the etiology of hardwood tree diseases and evaluating forest health in the Northeast. Specific current projects include: relative susceptibility of forest plants to ozone; temporal and spatial trends of mercury accumulation in the forest; biocontrol of artillery fungi (Sphaerobolus spp.) using spent mushroom compost; and biocontrol of tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) using Verticillium. Teaching activities include the undergraduate course “Diseases of Forest and Shade Trees" and giving guest lectures.

Publications since 2005

Harvey, R.J., D.D. Davis, N. Shishkoff, and J.A. Pecchia. 2019. Survival of lab grown Calonectria pseudonaviculata microsclerotia during small-scale composting. Compost Science & Utilization 27:24-34.

Harvey, R.J., J. Pecchia, N. Shiskoff, and D.D. Davis. 2019. Impact of ammonia during composting on Calonectria pseudonaviculata and C. henricotiae, causal agents of boxwood blight. Compost Science & Utilization 27:116-123.

Decoteau, D.R., R.P. Marini, and D.D. Davis. 2019. Influence of ambient ozone on grape cultivars 'Chambourcin' and 'Vidal' in Pennsylvania, USA. Journal of Plant Science and Research 6(1):185 (Open Science Publication).

Lloyd, K.L., D.D. Davis, R.P. Marini, D.R. Decoteau, A. Huff, and W.H. Brune. 2019. Use of dried compressed air to generate ozone in vegetation exposure chambers: quantification of trace nitrogen oxidants formed during corona discharge. Journal of Plant Science and Research 6(2):186 (Open Science Publication).

Seiler, L., D.R. Decoteau, R. Marini, and D.D. Davis. 2019. Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina): a new bioindicator to detect phytotoxic levels of ambient ozone in the eastern United States. Northeastern Naturalist 26:807-816.

Kasson, M.T., L.R. Kasson, K.L. Wickert, D.D. Davis, and J.E. Stajich. 2019. Genome sequence of a lethal vascular wilt fungus, Verticillium nonalfalfae, a biological control used against the invasive Ailanthus altissima. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8(4):e01619-18.

Davis, D.D. and D.R. Decoteau. 2018. Effect of ozone on milkweeds (Asclepias spp.) in USA and potential implications for monarch butterflies. Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences 7:76-89.

Davis, D.D. 2018. An updated list of bryophytes from Juniata County, Pennsylvania. Evansia 34:9-14. 

Davis, D.D. and R.J. Harvey. 2018. First report of Uromyces halstedii rust on native painted Trillium in Pennsylvania. Plant Disease 102:447. 

Meyers, A., D.R. Decoteau, R. Marini, and D.D. Davis. 2018. Sensitivity of eleven milkweed (Asclepias) species to ozone. Northeastern Naturalist 25:265-276.

Lloyd, K.L., D.D. Davis, R.P. Marini, and D.R. Decoteau. 2018. Effects of nightime ozone treatment at ambient concentrations on sensitive and resistant snap bean genotypes. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science 143:22-33.

Wickert, K.L., A.M. Metheny, D.D. Davis, D. Geiser, J.W. Wenzel, D. Planinsek, and M.T. Kasson. 2018. First report of Fusarium stem canker on Pyrularia pubera, a rare native parasitic shrub in forests of southwestern Pennsylvania. Plant Disease 102:1852.

Davis, D.D., R.J. Harvey, and M.C. Aime. 2018. New records of rust disease caused by Uromyces halstedii in North America. Plant Disease 102:2382.

Wicker, K.L., E.S. O'Neal, D.D. Davis, and M.T. Kasson. 2017. Seed production, viability, and reproductive limits of the invasive Ailanthus altissima (Tree-of-Heaven) within invaded environments. Forests 8:226.

Davis, D.D. and B. Allen. 2016. An updated list of bryophytes from Fulton County, Pennsylvania. Evansia 33:145-152.

Davis, D.D., R.A. Pursell, and B. Allen. 2016. An updated list of bryophytes from Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. Evansia 33:40-45.

Baetsen, A.M., J. Kaminski, M.T. Kasson, and D.D. Davis. 2015. Insights into the biology of Sphaerobolus stellatus as a causal agent of thatch collapse in golf turfs. CropScience 55:2342-2351.

Davis, D.D. and B. Allen. 2015. An updated list of bryophytes from Montour County, PA. Evansia 31:189-194.

Kasson, M.T., E.S. O'Neal, and D.D. Davis. 2015. Expanded host range testing for Verticillium nonalfalfae: potential biocontrol agent against the invasive Ailanthus altissima. Plant Dis. 99:823-835.

O'Keefe, G. and D.D. Davis. 2015. Morphology of Puccinia horiana, causal agent of chrysanthemum white rust, sampled from naturally infected plants. Plant Dis. 99:1738-1743.

O'Neal, E.S. and D.D. Davis. 2015. Intraspecific root grafting and clonal growth in Ailanthus altissima stands influence Verticillium nonalfalfae transmission.  Plant Dis. 99:1070-1077.

O'Neal, E.S. and D.D. Davis. 2015.  Biocontrol of Ailanthus altissima: Inoculation protocol and risk assessment of Verticillium nonalfalfae (Plectosphaerellaceae: Phyllachorales). Biocontr. Sci. & Technol. 8:950-969.

Kasson, M.T., E.S. O'Neal, D. Short, K. Subbarao, and D.D. Davis. 2014. Comparative pathogenicity, biocontrol efficacy, and multilocus sequence typing of Verticillium nonalfalfae from the invasive Ailanthus altissima and other hosts. Phytopathology 104:282-292.

Seiler, L., D.R. Decoteau, and D.D. Davis. 2014. Evaluation of Ailanthus altissima as a bioindicator to detect phytotoxic levels of ozone. Northeastern Naturalist 21:541-553.

Hutnik, R.J., J.R. McClenahen, and D.D. Davis. 2014. Mercury accumulation in Pinus nigra (Austrian Pine). Northeastern Naturalist 21:529-540.

McClenahen, J.R., R.J. Hutnik, and D.D. Davis. 2013. Spatial and temporal patterns of mercury bioindicators in Pennsylvania oak forest. J. Env. Qual. 42:305-311.

Kasson, M.T., M.D. Davis, and D.D. Davis. 2013. The invasive Ailanthus altissima in the Pennsylvania: a case study elucidating species introduction, migration, invasion, and growth patterns in the northeastern U.S. Northeastern Naturalist 20 (Monograph 10):1-60.

Snyder, A.L., M.T. Kasson, S.M. Salom, D.D. Davis, G. Griffin, and L.T. Kok. 2013. First report of Verticillium wilt of Ailanthus altissima in Virginia caused by Verticillium nonalfalfae. Plant Dis. 97:837-838.

Rebbeck, J., M.A. Malone, D.P.G. Short, M.T. Kasson, E.S. O'Neal, and D.D. Davis. 2013. First report of Verticillium wilt of Ailanthus altissima in Ohio caused by Verticillium nonalfalfae. Plant Dis. 97:999.

Kasson, M.T., Kerry O'Donnell, Alejandro P. Rooney, Stacy Sink, Randy C. Ploetz, Joshua L. Konkol, Stanley Freeman, Zvi Mendel, Jason A. Smith, Jiri Hulcr, Craig Bateman, Paul Campbell, Andrew Geering, Rajesh Kumar, Keerthi Mohotti, Dylan P.G. Short, Takayuki Aoki, Kristi A. Fenstermacher, Donald D. Davis, and David M. Geiser. 2013. An unordinary fondness for beetles: Phylogenetic diversity of fusaria cultivated by Asian ambrosia beetles Euwallacea (Scolytinae, Xyleborini) on avocado and other plant hosts. Fungal Gen. and Biol. 56:147-157.

O'Keefe, G. and D.D. Davis. 2012. First confirmed report that Puccinia horiana, causal agent of chrysanthemum white rust, can overwinter in Pennsylvania. Plant Dis. 96:1381.

Snyder, A.L., S.M. Salom, L.T. Kok, G.J. Griffin, and D.D. Davis. 2012. Assessing Eucryptorrhynchus brandti (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) as a potential carrier for Verticillium nonalfalfae (Phyllachorales) from infected Ailanthus altissima. Biocontr. Sci. & Technol. 22:1005-1019.

McClenahen, J.R., R.E. Showman, R.J. Hutnik, and D.D. Davis. 2012. Temporal changes in lichen species richness and elemental composition on a Pennsylvania atmospheric deposition gradient. Evansia 29:67-73.

Davis, D.D. 2011. Ozone-induced leaf symptoms on vegetation in the Mingo National Wildlife Refuge, Missouri. Northeastern Naturalist 18:115-122.

Davis, D.D. and M.A. Fidanza. 2011. Fresh recycled mushroom compost suppresses artillery fungi sporulation – a 4-year field study. J. Environ. Hort. 29:91-95.

Orendovici-Best, T., J.M. Skelly, and D.D. Davis. 2010. Spatial and temporal patterns of ground-level ozone within north-central Pennsylvania forests. Northeastern Naturalist 17:247-260.

Davis, D.D. and J.J. Atwood. 2010. Mosses associated with coalmines and coal seams in western Pennsylvania. Evansia 27:11-17.

Atwood, J.J. and D.D. Davis. 2010. Additional new records of mosses from Pennsylvania. Evansia 27:88-91.

Davis, D.D. and R.A. Pursell. 2010. A list of bryophytes for Wyoming County, PA. Evansia 27: 107-112.

Kline, L.J., J.M. Skelly, D.R. Decoteau, and D.D. Davis. 2009. Variation in ozone sensitivity within Indian hemp and common milkweed selections from the Midwest. Northeastern Naturalist 16:307-313.

Schall, M.J. and D.D. Davis. 2009. Ailanthus altissima wilt and mortality: etiology. Plant Dis. 93:747-751.

Davis, D.D. and R.E. Andrus. 2009. Sphagnum species in coalmine drainages of western Pennsylvania. Evansia 26:15-18.

Davis, D.D. and R.A. Pursell. 2009. Bryophytes on red maple (Acer rubrum) trees in western Pennsylvania. Evansia 26: 124-127.

Fidanza, M.A. and D.D. Davis. 2009. Recycled mushroom compost suppresses bird's nest fungi in landscape mulch. J. Environ. Hort. 27(4):238-240.

Davis, D.D. 2009. Ozone-induced stipple on plants in the Cape Romaine National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina. Southeastern Naturalist 8:471-478.

Fidanza, M.A. and D.D. Davis. 2009. In vitro screening of fungicides to control artillery fungi. J. Environ. Hort. 27:155-158.

Schall, M.J. and D.D. Davis. 2009. Verticillium wilt of Ailanthus altissima: susceptibility of associated tree species. Plant Dis. 93:1158-1162.

Davis, D.D. and R.A. Pursell. 2008. Additions to the Pennsylvania bryoflora: Dicranella cerviculata and Pseudoscleropodium purum. Evansia 25:12-14.

Kline, L.J., D.D. Davis, J.M. Skelly, J.E. Savage, and J. Ferdinand. 2008. Ozone sensitivity of 28 plant selections exposed to ozone under controlled conditions. Northeastern Naturalist 15:57-66.

Fromm, M. and D.D. Davis. 2007. Abundance of Armillaria within old-growth eastern hemlock stand in south-central Pennsylvania infested with the hemlock wooly adelgid, pp. 169-175 In: Buckley, David S.; Clatterbuck, Wayne K.; [Editors]  2007. Proceedings, 15th central hardwood forest conference. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS–101. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 770 p. [CD-ROM].

Davis, D.D., M. Fromm, and M.D. Davis.  2007. Impact of the hemlock woolly adelgid on radial growth of old-growth eastern hemlock in south-central Pennsylvania, pp, 157-162 In: Buckley, David S.; Clatterbuck, Wayne K.; [Editors]  2007. Proceedings, 15th central hardwood forest conference. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS–101. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 770 p. [CD-ROM].

Davis, D.D., J.R. McClenahen, and R.J. Hutnik.  2007. Use of the moss Dicranum montanum to evaluate recent temporal trends of mercury accumulation in oak forests of Pennsylvania. Northeastern Naturalist 14:27-34.

McClenahen, J.R., D.D. Davis, and R.J. Hutnik. 2007. Macrolichens as biomonitors of air-quality changes in western Pennsylvania. Northeastern Naturalist 14:15-26.

Davis, D.D. and R.A. Pursell. 2007. Collecting the knothole moss, Anacamptodon splachnoides. Evansia 24:1-5.

Davis, D.D.  2007a. Ozone-induced symptoms on vegetation within the Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge in Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 14:403-414.

Davis, D.D.  2007b.  Ozone injury to vegetation within the Seney National Wildlife Refuge in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Northeastern Naturalist 14:415-424.

Orendovici, T., J.M. Skelly, D.D. Davis, J.A. Ferdinand, J.E. Savage, and R.E. Stevenson. 2007. Ozone uptake (flux) as it relates to ozone-induced foliar symptoms of Prunus serotina and Populus maximowizii x trichocarpa. Environ. Pollut. 151:79-92.

Davis, D.D. and R.A. Pursell. 2007. Update--identification of additional bryophytes on the mossy cap polypore (Oxyporus populinus). Evansia 24:49-54.

Davis, D.D. and T. Orendovici.  2006. Incidence of ozone symptoms on vegetation within a National Wildlife Refuge in New Jersey, USA. Environ. Pollut. 143:555-564.

Davis, D.D. and R.A. Pursell. 2006. Moss and liverworts growing on the mossy cap polypore (Oxyporus populinus). Evansia 23:87-91.

Schaub, M., J.M. Skelly, J.W. Zhang, J.A. Ferdinand, J.E. Savage, R.E. Stevenson, K.C. Steiner, D.D. Davis, and S.P. Pennypacker.  2005. Physiological and foliar symptom response in the crowns of Prunus serotina, Fraxinus americana, and Acer rubrum canopy trees to ambient ozone under forest conditions. Environ. Pollut. 133:553-567.

Geml, J., Davis, D.D., Geiser, D.M. 2005. Phylogenetic analyses reveal deeply divergent species lineages in the genus Sphaerobolus (Phallales: Basidiomycota). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 35:313-322.

Geml, J., Davis, D.D., Geiser, D.M. 2005. Influence of selected fungicides on in vitro growth of artillery fungi (Sphaerobolus spp.). J. Environ. Hort. 23(2):63-66. 

Geml, J., Davis, D.D., Geiser, D.M. 2005. Systematics of the genus Sphaerobolus based on molecular and morphological data, with the description of Sphaerobolus ingoldii sp. nov.  Mycologia 97:680-694.

Davis, D.D., L.J. Kuhns, and T.L. Harpster. 2005. Use of mushroom compost to suppress artillery fungi. J. Environ. Hort. 23:212-215.


Ozone-Sensitivity of Ten Milkweed Species (Asclepias spp.)
Northeastern Naturalist, Mercado, Melissa, Decoteau, Dennis R., Marini, Richard, Davis, Donald D., 2020

Response of sensitive and resistant snap bean genotypes to nighttime ozone concentration
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Lloyd, Kirsten L., Davis, Donald Durwood, Marini, Richard P., Decoteau, Dennis R., 2020

Schistidium agassizii confirmed in Pennsylvania
Evansia, Allen, Bruce, Davis, Donald, 2020

Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina)
Northeastern Naturalist, Seiler, Lauren K., Decoteau, Dennis R., Marini, Richard P., Davis, Donald D., 2019

Impact of Ammonia During Composting on Calonectria pseudonaviculata and C. henricotiae, Causal Agents of Boxwood Blight
Compost Science and Utilization, Harvey, Robert J., Shishkoff, Nina, Pecchia, John A., Davis, Donald D., 2019

Genome sequence of a lethal vascular wilt fungus, verticillium nonalfalfae, a biological control used against the invasive ailanthus altissima
Microbiology Resource Announcements, Kasson, Matt T., Kasson, Lindsay R., Wickert, Kristen L., Davis, Donald D., Stajich, Jason E., 2019

Survival of Lab Grown Calonectria pseudonaviculata Microsclerotia During Small-Scale Composting
Compost Science and Utilization, Harvey, Robert J., Davis, Donald D., Shishkoff, Nina, Pecchia, John, 2019

Use of dried compressed air to generate ozone in vegetation exposure chambers: quantification of trace nitrogen oxidants formed during corona discharge
Journal of Plant Science and Research, Lloyd, Kirsten, Davis, Donald, Marini, Richard, Decoteau, Dennis, Huff, Amy, Brune, William, 2019

Influence of ambient ozone on grape cultivars ‘Chambourcin’ and ‘Vidal’ in Pennsylvania, USA
Journal of Plant Science and Research, Decoteau, Dennis, Marini, Richard, Davis, Donald, 2019

Ozone sensitivity of green ash selections from Midwestern USA
Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Decoteau, D, Marini, R, Davis, Donald, 2018

A review: Effect of ozone on milkweeds (asclepias spp.) in USA and potential implications for monarch butterflies
Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Davis, Donald, Decoteau, Dennis, 2018

Sensitivity of Eleven Milkweed (Asclepias) Species to Ozone
Northeastern Naturalist, Myers, Abigail C., Decoteau, Dennis R., Marini, Richard P., Davis, Donald Durwood, 2018

New records of rust disease caused by Uromyces halstedii in North America
Plant Disease, 2018

First report of Fusarium stem canker on Pyrularia pubera, a rare native parasitic shrub in forests of southwestern Pennsylvania
Plant Disease, 2018

First report of Uromyces halstedii rust on native painted Trillium in Pennsylvania
Plant Disease, 2018

Effects of nighttime ozone treatment at ambient concentrations on sensitive and resistant snap bean genotypes
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Lloyd, Kirsten L., Davis, Donald D., Marini, Richard P., Decoteau, Dennis R., 2018

Seed production, viability, and reproductive limits of the invasive Ailanthus altissima (tree-of-heaven) within invaded environments
Forests, Wickert, Kristen L., O'Neal, Eric S., Davis, Donald D., Kasson, Matthew T., 2017

An updated list of bryophytes from Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Davis, Donald, 2017

An updated list of bryophytes from Jefferson County, Pennsylvania
Evansia, Davis, Donald, 2016

An updated list of bryophytes from Fulton County, Pennsylvania
Evansia, Davis, Donald, 2016

Morphology of Puccinia horiana, causal agent of chrysanthemum white rust, sampled from naturally infected plants
Plant Disease, O’Keefe, G., Davis, Donald Durwood, 2015

Insights into the biology of sphaerobolus stellatus as a causal agent of thatch collapse in golf turfs
Crop Science, Baetsen-Young, Amy M., Kaminski, John E., Kasson, Matthew T., Davis, Donald D., 2015

Biocontrol of Ailanthus altissima
Biocontrol Science and Technology, O'Neal, E. S., Davis, Donald Durwood, 2015

An updated list of bryophytes from Montour County, Pennsylvania
Evansia, Davis, Donald, Allen, B, 2015

Intraspecific root grafts and clonal growth within ailanthus altissima stands influence verticillium nonalfalfae transmission
Plant Disease, S.O’Neal, E., Davis, D. D., 2015

Expanded host range testing for Verticillium nonalfalfae
Plant Disease, Kasson, M. T., O’Neal, E. S., Davis, Donald Durwood, 2015

Evaluation of ailanthus altissima as a bioindicator to detect phytotoxic levels of ozone
Northeastern Naturalist, Seiler, Lauren K., Decoteau, Dennis R., Davis, Donald D., 2014

Mercury accumulation in Pinus nigra (Austrian Pine)
Northeastern Naturalist, Hutnik, Russell J., McClenahen, James R., Long, Robert P., Davis, Donald Durwood, 2014

Comparative pathogenicity, biocontrol efficacy, and multilocus sequence typing of Verticillium nonalfalfae from the invasive Ailanthus altissima and other hosts
Phytopathology, Kasson, M. T., Short, D. P.G., O'Neal, E. S., Subbarao, K. V., Davis, D. D., 2014

An inordinate fondness for Fusarium: Phylogenetic diversity of fusaria cultivated by ambrosia beetles in the genus Euwallacea on avocado and other plant hosts
Fungal Genetics and Biology, Kasson, Matthew T., O'Donnell, Kerry, Rooney, Alejandro P., Sink, Stacy, Ploetz, Randy C., Ploetz, Jill N., Konkol, Joshua L., Carrillo, Daniel, Freeman, Stanley, Mendel, Zvi, Smith, Jason A., Black, Adam W., Hulcr, Jiri, Bateman, Craig, Stefkova, Kristyna, Campbell, Paul R., Geering, Andrew D.W., Dann, Elizabeth K., Eskalen, Akif, Mohotti, Keerthi, Short, Dylan P.G., Aoki, Takayuki, Fenstermacher, Kristi A., Davis, Donald D., Geiser, David M., 2013

Spatial and temporal patterns of bioindicator mercury in pennsylvania oak forest
Journal of Environmental Quality, McClenahen, James R., Hutnik, Russell J., Davis, Donald D., 2013

First report of Verticillium wilt of Ailanthus altissima in Virginia caused by Verticillium nonalfalfae
Plant Disease, Snyder, A, Kasson, M, Salom, S, Davis, Donald, Griffin, G, Kok, L, 2013

First report of Verticillium wilt of Ailanthus altissima in Ohio caused by Verticillium nonalfalfae
Plant Disease, Rebbeck, J, Malone, M, Short, D, Kasson, M, O’Neal, E, Davis, Donald, 2013

Assessing Eucryptorrhynchus brandti (Coleoptera
Biocontrol Science and Technology, Snyder, A. L., Salom, S. M., Kok, L. T., Griffin, G. J., Davis, Donald Durwood, 2012

Ozone-induced leaf symptoms on vegetation in the mingo national wildlife refuge, Missouri
Northeastern Naturalist, Davis, Donald D., 2011