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- Professor of Bacterial Systematics and Plant Pathology
Areas of Expertise
- Phytobacteriology
- Translational Taxonomy
- Systematic Bacteriology
- Biological Control
- Sustainable and Organic Agriculture
- Research Technologist
- Bull Lab
- M.S. Student
- Co-Advised by: Dr. Carolee Bull and Dr. Kevin Hockett
Areas of Expertise
- Molecular biology
- Phytobacteriology
- M.S. Student
- Co-Advised by: Dr. Carolee Bull and Dr. Kevin Hockett
- Postdoctoral Scholar, Bull Lab
- Advised by: Dr. Carolee T. Bull
Areas of Expertise
- Genomics of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria
- Taxonomy and Classification of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria
- Mushroom Pathology
- Etiology, Biology, and Epidemiology of Emerging Bacterial Diseases in Mushrooms
- Biological Control of Plant Diseases
Areas of Expertise
- Molecular detection of plant pathogens
- Phytobacteriology
- Mushroom Research Technologist
- Dual-title Ph.D. Student in Plant Pathology and Microbiome Sciences
- Advised by: Dr. Carolee T. Bull
- Bull Lab
Areas of Expertise
- Phytobcaterialogy
- Host-pathogen interactions
- Horizontal Gene Exchange
- Effectors