After 20 years of research with the USDA/ARS in Salinas, California, the Translational Taxonomy Laboratory moved to Penn State in August 2015. Our collaborators are among our most valuable resources
Bull Penn Lab Members (Former and Current)
Emma Stockham, PSU, Microbiology (2020-Present)
Sinyoung Jo, PSU, Microbiology (2020-Present)
Mark Drago, PSU, Microbiology (SP2020)
Jessica Thummel, PSU, (SP2020)
Evelyn Kulesza, PSU, Plant Biology (SP2020)
Anahi Anaya, PSU, (FA2019)
Belinda Mativenga, PSU, Biological Engineering (SP2019)
Claire Santa - Wage payroll (Summer 2019) Environmental Science and Biology, Kutztown University
Laine Hackenberg, PSU, Plant Science (2019)
Chow Chooi, PSU, Biotechnology (2018)
Sharuthi Venkat, PSU, (June – August 2018)
Kyle Bettwy, PSU, Microbiology (2017-2018)
Shannon Hicks, PSU, Horticulture (2017)
Sarah Sewdas, PSU, Microbiology (2016-2017)
Dr. Samuel Martins - Postdoctoral Scientist and Lab Manager (2017-2020). Currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Florida.
Amanda Mainello - MS Plant Pathology (2017-2020) co-advised by Dr. Beth Gugino (2017-2020). Currently a PhD student at North Carolina State University.
Emma Rosenthal - PhD (2016-present)
Vsevolod Soltanov - (2016-2017)
Chris Ramage - PhD Student (FA2015)
Dr. Irda Safni Visiting Fulbright Scholar (2015-2016).
Dr. Laura Ramos-Sepulveda - Postdoctoral Scientist and Lab Manager (2015-2017). Currently an Assistant Professor at Millersville University.
Emily Gaulke
Khumbuzile Bophela
Lydia Tymon
Alejandra Huerta
Academic, Government, and Industry Collaborators
Steve Koike Lead Scientist for TRiCal Diagnostic Laboratory and former Plant Pathology Farm Advisor with UCCE in Monterey County, California.
CC_SCRI Project - Integrated Management of Emerging Seedborne Bacterial Diseases of Cucurbits and Chenopods (Bull, project director)
Dr. Neha Potnis (PI) - Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University. Neha is the PI for this SCRI grant. She and Carolee work to keep the project organized and moving foward.
Dr. Greg Broussard- Lecturer in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Penn State.Dr. Beth Gugino,
Dr. Christina Call-
Dr. Jose-Pablo Dundore Arias, California State Monterey Bay
Dr. Irwin Goldman, University of Wisconsin;
Dr. Beth Gugino -
Dr. Alejandra Huerta, University of North Carolina;
Dr. Teresa Coutinho, University of Pretoria;
Dr. Claudia Schmidt -
Dr. Jeffrey Jones - University of Florida
Dr. Mathews Paret - University of Florida
Dr. Joshua Freeman - University of Florida
Drs. Lindsey du Toit
Dr. Sarah Pethybridge, Cornell University;
Dr. W. Patrick Wechter, Research Plant Pathologist, USDA/ARS, Charleston, SC
Philip R. Brown, Pathology Senior Manager, Sakata Seed Co. Burlington, WA, USA;
John Henderson, Production Director, Love Beets USA, Rochester, NY;
Rick Falconer, Managing Director Research, Rijk Zwaan, Salinas, CA, USA; and Regional Vice President Rick Falconer, American Seed Trade Association
Dr. Gerbert Hiddink, Seed Technology Research Manager, Enza Zaden, Enkhuizen, The Netherlands
Dr. Christina Dennehy, Monsanto Vegetable Seeds, Woodland, California
Dr. Sukhi Pannu, Director, Testing Services, California Seed and Plant Laboratory, Inc., Pleasant Grove, CA, USA.
Wilmarie Kriel, Senior Plant Pathologist, Starke Ayres Seed (Pty) Ltd., SA
CC_SCRI Postdocs
Dr. Eric Newberry, Auburn University
Dr. Lydia Tymon Washington State University;
CC_SCRI Graduate students
Lettuce Project
Dr. German Sandoya, Assistant Professor, Horticultural Sciences, University of Florida
Dr. Ivan Simko, Scientist, USDA ARS, Salinas, California
Dr. Dennis "Calvin" Odero, Associate Professor of Agronomy, University of Florida
Maria Gorgo-Gourivitch, Extension Educator, Penn State; Instructor, Department of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology, Penn State.
Emma Rosenthal
Mushroom Project
Dr. Kevin Hockett
Dr. Abdelmonim Ebrahim*
Ms. Rachel Richardson*
Dr. JP Dundore-Arias
Dr. Samuel Martins
Dr. John Pecchia
Dr. Fabricio Vieiro