Research Presentations

Presented by Carolee Bull

Know Your Enemy: Managing Diseases Caused by Polyphyletic Bacterial Plant Pathogens, Invited Seminar, Cornell Agri Tech, Geneva, NY May 2, 2023.

Translational Taxonomy – Taxonomic Understanding for Disease Management, Invited Seminar, Department of Plant Science, University of Manitoba, October 22, 2020

From Bacterial to Translational Taxonomy, CT Bull, Invited Guest Lecture, Washington State University, October 13, 2020

Mushroom Madness: The Carnival of Pathogens Causing Bacterial Blotch on Mushrooms and Strategies for Blotch Management, CT Bull, Invited Lecture, California State University Monterey Bay, March 18, 2020

Taxing Times Plant Health in a Global Economy, CT Bull, Invited Plenary Session, International Congress on Plant Pathology, July 30, 2018 (start at 33 minutes)

Translational Taxonomy, CT Bull, Invited Seminar, Cornell University,  October 14, 2017

Presented by our teammates about our research

Unlocking Mushroom Devomes presented by Drs. Fabrício Vieira & Eoin O'Connor, in collaboration with the Bull, Hockett, and Pecchia research teams at Penn State. Presented to the Penn State One Health Microbiome Center on March 15, 2024.

Extension Products

Educational videos in English and Spanish and factsheets on Bacterial Leaf Spot on Lettuce

Professional Development

Carolee Bull provides a variety of Professional Development workshops and curricula. Bull has these curricula at US and International universities and scientific society meetings.  She is the recipient of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary's Honor Award (the highest award for service to the nation in Agriculture) for her mentorship and many other contributions to diversity and inclusivity in science.

Own Best Mentor Workshop This workshop is the first workshop in a three-part workshop curriculum developed on mentoring by Carolee Bull, Ph.D. The “own best mentor” workshop is targeted at students, postdocs and early career faculty, though well-established faculty have also benefited from the workshop. It is a three-hour interactive workshop with introspective work, breakout sessions and group discussions. In the workshop we will discuss how to define and then teach yourself the knowledge and skills you need to be successful in your career. 

Due to underrepresentation at the highest levels, members of emerging groups may not have role models in the positions that they hope to attain. Additionally, mentors and sponsors from other groups may not understand cultural imperatives that are as essential to well-being and a sense of success of the researcher. Thus, the ability to mentor oneself is essential for members of emerging groups. Tools will be provided and skills practiced to animate individuals to become their own best mentor. These same tools and experiences in the hands of a dedicated mentor will increase their ability to serve their charges with intercultural awareness.

Mentoring Relationships: Carolee Bull and Renee Rioux, APS Professional Development Webinar, December 13, 2022

Got the Offer, Time to Negotiate: Tips from a University Department Head, CT Bull APS Plan[t]ify Webinar

How to get or give a killer letter of recommendation, CT Bull, APS Professional Development Webinar, September 12, 2018

How to write a personal mission statement, CT Bull, Invited Lecture HLS 801, Penn State University,

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