2024 Grower Network Webinar Recording & Presentation
Link: https://psu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/NEAT+2024+Webinar/1_5oiqz6l1
Survey for arugula growers!
Link: https://pennstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1LywyNpZhRKby18
If you grow arugula, please consider taking this brief eight-question survey so we can capture arugula production statistics!
Send Diseased Plant Samples to Penn State Disease Clinic
PSU Disease Clinic Link: https://plantpath.psu.edu/about/facilities/plant-disease-clinic
Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network
NEPDN Link: https://www.npdn.org/nepdn
Our Goal
The NorthEast Arugula Team (NEAT) was formed in response to grower inquiries raising concerns over bacterial diseases on their brassica leafy greens. Our goal is to identify bacterial pathogens causing diseases on arugula and other brassica leafy greens, design effective management strategies and spread the information to growers. We hope to help growers improve their production of brassica leafy greens and increase profitability.
With funding from Northeast SARE (Project LNE23-463), we are seeking to identify diseases on brassica leafy greens in New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania and Vermont. You can read more about these diseases here: https://plantpath.psu.edu/research/labs/bull/research/neat/bacterial-pathogens-of-crucifers
If you are in Pennsylvania, we are willing to come to your farm to survey your brassica leafy green plantings for disease or other issues limiting production. To express interest in sending samples for identification or to schedule a farm survey, please contact Cameron Cedeno (cjc315@psu.edu) using the subject “NEAT”.
If you are in New York and want express interest in sending samples for identification or to inquire about scheduling a farm survey, please contact Elisabeth Hodgdon (eh528@cornell.edu) using the subject “NEAT”.
If you are in New Hampshire and want express interest in sending samples for identification or to inquire about scheduling a farm survey, please contact Rebecca Sideman (becky.sideman@unh.edu) using the subject “NEAT”.
If you are in Vermont and want express interest in sending samples for identification or to inquire about scheduling a farm survey, please contact Ann Hazelrigg (ann.hazelrigg@uvm.edu) using the subject “NEAT”.
Our Team
NEAT is a collaborative effort between The Pennsylvania State University (Carolee Bull & Cameron Cedeno), Cornell University (Elisabeth Hodgdon), University of New Hampshire (Rebecca Sideman), and University of Vermont (Ann Hazelrigg). NEAT is advised by a committee of farmers, developers, and plant breeders. Explore the links below to find out more about who's involved and our project.
Bull & Cedeno, Penn State University: https://plantpath.psu.edu/research/labs/bull
Hodgdon, Cornell University: https://cals.cornell.edu/elisabeth-hodgdon
Sideman, University of New Hampshire: https://colsa.unh.edu/person/rebecca-sideman
Hazelrigg, University of Vermont: https://www.uvm.edu/cals/pss/profiles/extension-associate-professor-ann-hazelrigg
NEAT NE SARE page: https://projects.sare.org/sare_project/lne23-463/
Project Advisory Committee
Dan Dalton, Associate Director for Farmer Training and Development, https://pasafarming.org/
Paul and Sandy Arnold, Farmers, Pleasant Valley Farm, Pvfproduce.com
Rachel Katz, Trial Manager for Herbs and Leafy Greens, Johnny’s Selected Seeds, https://www.johnnyseeds.com/
Ryan Lynch, Assistant Spinach Breeder, Sakata Seed America, https://sakatavegetables.com/
All members of the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) are involved in helping to define goals, develop plans for executing goals, outlining potential outreach, and/or selecting germplasm to be used. NEAT will meet with the PAC as a group to review results from the previous season and plan the next season’s work. Our collaboration will ensure that the needs of Northeastern growers are included in our efforts and will disseminate results to seed companies and seed health organizations.
PowerPoint 2007 presentation, 68.0 MB
PowerPoint 2007 presentation, 68.0 MB