Professor Gary Moorman
Seedling damping off

Seedling damping off

Rot of small roots
Rotted outer root layers
rot at the stem base
Plants of same age but one has pythium root rot.
Oospores in an infected root tip
Close-up of oospores in root cells
Ends of hyphae
Pieces of potato in moist soil sample
vacuum apparatus for fillerting water and filter with 5um pore size plated on agar
Pythium growing from a grass blade that had been used as bait.
plastic jar with window screens
soil extract in a petri dish
test tubes in storage bin
3 sets of pair of test tubes
pythium stored on sterilized sunflower seed in tap water at room temperature.
Oospores with multiple antheridia

Left: Oospores with multiple antheridia. Right: Oospore with intercallary antheridium. Intercallary means that it is with the hyphya like a bead on a strong.

Intercallary and Terminal oogonium

Left: Intercallary (like a bead on a string) oogonium and an antheridium originating from different hyphae = diclinous. Right: Terminal oogonium and an antheridium originating from the same hyphae = monoclinous.


Left: Vesicle forming at some distance from a sporangium. Right: Vesicle forming close to a sporangium.

filamentous sporangium

Left: Inflated, filamentous sporangium = wider than hyphae. Right: Slightly inflated, filamentous sporangium.

Vesicle forming at some distance from a sporangium.
Vesicles at various stages of zoospore differentiation.

Vesicles at various stages of zoospore differentiation.

What are these
Spherical sporangium

Left: Spherical sporangium, intercallery oogonium, and an antheridum. Right: Slightly irregular oogonium shape with antheridum.

Slightly irregular oogonium

Left: Slightly irregular oogonium with one small projection on wall. Right: Oogonium with large projections on wall.

Aplerotic and Plerotic

Left: Aplerotic have space between oospore wall and oogonium wall Right: Plerotic has no space between oospore wall and oogonium wall.

Sara May
pythium 2
Rot at the stem base.
dichotomous branching
Cut creeping bent grass blades..
pythium trap
Plastic storage box
pythium 3
globose hyphal swelling
Screenshot of Lucid Builder program