Graduate Faculty
Our faculty and graduate students are spread across a range of disciplines.
Applying to Microbiome Sciences Graduate Faculty
- Graduate faculty from any discipline at Penn State University are eligible to apply.
- There is no deadline for application; faculty may apply at any time.
- Faculty are asked to submit the following documents to Kim Hall
- a CV, and
- a letter of intent stating an interest in joining the Microbiome Sciences faculty and highlighting relevant qualifications.
Contact Graduate Program Head Carolee Bull with questions.
Microbiome Sciences Dual Title Students
Theo Newbold - Plant Pathology
Christine Ta - Anthropology
Dina Memar Moshrefi - Biology
Luis Fernando Flores - Plant Pathology
Jonah Gray - Ecology
Ana Caroline Fonseca - Animal Science
Livleen Kaur - Plant Pathology
Mankanwal Goraya - Plant Pathology
Samuel Osabutey - Plant Pathology
Ashley Ohstrum - Food Science