Current Issues in Microbiome Sciences
Of 15 total credits, 2 credits of MBIOM 550 (previously ECLGY 550 which also counts) are required. Remaining credits will be taken from three categories, with at least 3 credits from each category.
- MBIOM 550 Current Issues in Microbiome Sciences (1 credit) requirement to take two credits during program.
Microbial Sciences
- Animal Microbiomes (3) ANSC 456
- Microbial Physiology and Structure (3) MICRB 401
- Microbial/Molecular Genetics (2) MICRB 450
- Microbial Biotechnology (3) MICRB 416
- General Virology- Bacterial and Animal Viruses (3) MICRB 415
- Viral Pathogenesis (3) MICRB 435
- Phytobacteriology (3) PPEM 417
- Fundamentals of Phytopathology (4) PPEM 505
- Biology of Fungi (4) PPEM 425
- Microbial Physiology of Foodborne Organisms (3) FDSC 526
- Culture Based Analysis of Microorganisms (3) FDSC 525
- Molecular Genetics of Plant-Pathogen Interactions (3) PPATH 533
Ecology and Evolution
- Applied Microbial Ecology (3) PPEM 456
- Molecular Evolution (3) BIOL 405
- Symbiosis (3) BIOL 406
- Ecology of Infectious Disease (3) BIOL 412
- Microbial Anthropology: A Microbial Lens on the Human Experience (3) ANTH 414
- Microbe-Plant Interactions (3) PPEM 405
- Epidemiology of Plant Diseases (3) PPATH 542
- Viral Ecology (3) PPEM 454
- Community Ecology (3) ECLGY 526
- Analytical Techniques for Microbial Ecology (3) ECLGY 597*
- Microbial genomic epidemiology (3) FDSC 517
- Macroecology of Wildlife and Human Diseases: Methods and Applications (3) BIOL 597*
- Ecosystem Nutrient Cycles(3)ECLGY 571
Bioinformatics and Other Research Tools
- Introduction to Microbiome Analysis (3) PPEM 440
- Practical Bioinformatics (3) BIOL 439
- Introduction to Computational Biology (3) BMB 482
- Applied Bioinformatics (2) BMMB 852
- Algorithms and Data Structures in Bioinformatics (3) CSE 566
- Major Writing Projects: Start to Finish (3) PPATH 840
- Ethics, Rigor, Reproducibility and Conduct of Research in the Life Sciences MCIBS 591 (2)
- Perspectives and Methods in Bioethics (3) BIOET 501
- Foundations in Data Driven Life Sciences (3) BMMB 554
- Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments (3) STAT 502
- Statistical Analysis of Genomics Data (3) STAT 555
- Genomics (3) BMMB 551
- Molecular Methods in Microbial Detection (3) PPATH 597*
- Macroecology of Infectious Disease (3) BIO 597*
*Special Topics courses to be submitted for full course approval