Posted: April 13, 2017

The Dept. of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology held its 2017 Annual Awards Ceremony on April 13.

Vija Wilkinson (L) and Carolee Bull (R) | Image: Christina Dorsey, Penn State

Vija Wilkinson (L) and Carolee Bull (R) | Image: Christina Dorsey, Penn State

During the Department of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology (PPEM) Annual Awards Ceremony on April 13, 2017, Dr. Carolee Bull congratulated and thanked the following members for 2016-2017 PPEM scholarship awards or years of service:

  • Laura del Sol Bautista Jalón, Ph.D. candidate, James F. and Marilyn L. Tammen Memorial Award. This award was established with funds contributed by family and friends of James F. and Marilyn L. Tammen to provide international education and research opportunities for faculty and students. Dr. Tammen served as the first department head, 1963-1976.
  • Anita Behari, Ph.D. candidate, The L. Earl and Veronica Casida Graduate Scholarship. This award was established with endowed funds contributed by Veronica Guydos Casida and L. Earl Casida, Jr.
  • Yueying Chen, Ph.D. 2016, Plant Pathology Graduate Studies Enhancement Award. Contributions from department alumni and friends created this endowed fund to enhance the graduate studies program in Plant Pathology. The fund supports graduate student travel, awards, and purchases.
  • Randy Dreibelbis, Coordinator of Farm Operations, Thirty-Year Service Award. Randy received a certificate and Penn State collage.

Carolee Bull (L) and Randy Dreibelbis (R) | Image: Christina Dorsey, Penn State

  • Siyi Ge, M.S. student, Plant Pathology Graduate Studies Enhancement Award. Contributions from department alumni and friends created this endowed fund to enhance the graduate studies program in Plant Pathology. The fund supports graduate student travel, awards, and purchases.
  • Dr. David Geiser (2015-2016 awardee), James F. and Marilyn L. Tammen Memorial Award. This award was established with funds contributed by family and friends of James F. and Marilyn L. Tammen to provide international education and research opportunities for faculty and students. Dr. Tammen served as the first department head, 1963-1976.
  • Robert Harvey, Ph.D. candidate, The Lester P. Nichols Memorial Award. This award was established with funds contributed by alumni, friends, and family of Lester P. Nichols, Extension Plant Pathologist, 1948-1982.
  • Dr. Seogchan Kang, Twenty-Year Service Award. Dr. Kang was presented with a certificate and Penn State picture frame.

Carolee Bull (L) and Seogchan Kang (R) | Image: Christina Dorsey, Penn State

  • Roxanne Lease, Facilities and Safety, Thirty-Five-Year Service Award. Roxanne received a Penn State throw.
  • Garrett Morrison, M.S. student, The Arthur and Rita Gaspari Memorial Scholarship. This award was established with funds contributed by family and friends of Arthur and Rita Gaspari to recognize graduate students whose studies involve mushrooms.
  • Michael Peck, Research Technologist, Thirty-Five-Year Service Award. Mike received a Penn State throw.
  • Maliheh Safari, Ph.D. candidate, Plant Pathology Graduate Studies Enhancement Award. Contributions from department alumni and friends created this endowed fund to enhance the graduate studies program in Plant Pathology. The fund supports graduate student travel, awards, and purchases.
  • Hunter Swisher, B.S. Plant Science Option 2016, James P. Roberts Scholarship. This award was established with funds contributed by the L.F. Lambert Spawn Company.
  • Vija Wilkinson, Research Support Technologist, Thirty-Year Service Award. Vija was presented with a Penn State collage.

Vija Wilkinson (L) and Carolee Bull (R) | Image: Christina Dorsey, Penn State

  • Diane Yoder, Administrative Staff Coordinator and Office Manager, The Laurence D. and Mary Ann Moore Staff Excellence Award. This award was established with funds contributed by Laurence D. and Mary Ann Moore. Diane also was recognized with the Five-Year Service Award and presented with a certificate and Penn State letter opener.

Diane Yoder (L) and Carolee Bull (R) | Image: Christina Dorsey, Penn State

  • Kaixi Zhao, Ph.D. candidate, Plant Pathology Graduate Studies Enhancement Award. Contributions from department alumni and friends created this endowed fund to enhance the graduate studies program in Plant Pathology. The fund supports graduate student travel, awards, and purchases.

A reception for awardees followed the ceremony.

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