Russo, J. M. and S. A. Isard, 2011. Online Aerobiology Process Model. In Clay, S. A. [ed.], GIS Applications in Agriculture, Volume Three: Invasive Species. CRC Press. New York, 159-166.


Dufault, N.S., S.A. Isard, J.J. Marois, and D.L. Wright. 2010. Wet deposition of Phakopsora pachyrhizi urediniospores into a soybean canopy. Canadian Journal of Phytopathology 32:162-169.

Dufault, N.S. and S. A. Isard, 2010. A portable rainfall simulator for evaluating the wet deposition of plant pathogens. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 26:71-78.

Dufault, N.S., S.A. Isard, J.J. Marois, and D.L. Wright, 2010. Removal of Wet Deposited Phakopsora pachyrhizi Urediniospores from Soybean Leaves by Subsequent Rainfall. Plant Disease 94:1336-1340.

Marchetto, K. M., E. Jongehans, K. Shea and S. A. Isard, 2010. Plant Spatial Arrangement Affects Projected Invasion Speeds of Two Invasive Thistles. Oikos119: 1462-1468.


Dauer, J. T., D. A. Mortensen, E. C. Luschei, S. A. Isard, E. Sheilds, and M. J. Van-Gessel. 2009. Ascent and Transport of Conyza canadensis seed in the Lower Atmosphere. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149: 526-534.


Isard, S. A., S. Fleischer, D. A. Mortensen, and E.D. DeWolf. 2008. Aerobiology and IPM. In Radcliffe, E.B. and W.D. Hutchinson, (eds.), Integrated Pest Management: Concepts, Tactics, Strategies, and Case Studies. Cambridge Press.

Park, J., B. Park, N. Veeraraghavan, J.E. Blair, D.M. Geiser, S. Isard, M.A. Mansfield, E. Nikolaeva, S.-Y. Park, J. Russo, S.H. Kim, M. Greene, K.L. Ivors, Y. Balci, M. Peiman, M.D. Coffey, K. Jung, Y.-H. Lee, A. Rossman, D. Farr, E. Cline, N.J. Grünwald, D.G. Luster, J. Schrandt, F. Martin, I. Makalowska, and S. Kang, 2008. Phytophthora Database v.1.0: A cyberinfrastructure supporting the identification and monitoring of Phytophthora. Plant Disease 92: 966-972.


DeWolf, E.D. and S.A. Isard, 2007. Disease cycle approach to plant disease prediction. Annual Review of Phytopathology 45:9.1-9.18.

Isard, S. A., J. M. Russo, A. Ariatti, 2007. The Integrated Aerobiology Modeling System applied to the spread of soybean rust into the Ohio River valley during September 2006. Aerobiologia 23: 271-282.

Fleischer, S., G. Payne, T. Kuhar, A. Herbert, Jr., S. Malone, J. Whalen, G. Dively, D. Johnson, J.A. Hebberger, J. Ingerson-Mahar, D. Miller and S. Isard, 2007. H. zea trends from the northeast: Suggestions towards collaborative mapping of migration and pyrethroid susceptibility. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2007-0719-03-RV.

Isard, S. A., J. M. Russo, and A. Ariatti, 2007. Aerial transport of soybean rust spores into the Ohio river valley during September 2006. Aerobiologia.

Isard, S.A., R.L. Schaetzl, and J. Andresen, 2007. Soils cool as climate warms in Great Lakes Region, USA 1951-2000. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 97:467-476.


Isard, S.A., N.S. Dufault, M.R. Miles, G.L. Hartman, J.M. Russo, E.D. De Wolf, and W. Morel, 2006. The effect of solar irradiance on the mortality of Phakopsora pachyrhizi urediniospores. Plant Disease 90: 941-945.

Isard, S.A., Russo, J.M. and DeWolf, E.D., 2006. The establishment of a national pest information platform for extension and education. Online, Plant Health Progress, doi:10.1094/PHP-2006-0915-01-RV.


Isard, S.A., S.H. Gage, P. Comtois, and J. Russo, 2005. Principles of aerobiology applied to soybean rust as an invasive species. BioScience 55: 851-862.
Magarey, R. and S.A. Isard, 2005. Model and dispersal for Asian soybean rust. Pages 21-22 in Proceedings of the Illinois Crop Protection Technology Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Schaetzl, R. and S.A. Isard, 2005. Modeling Soil Temperatures and the Mesic-Frigid Boundary in the Great Lakes Region, 1951-2000, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 69: 2033-2040.

Spencer, J.L., T.R. Mabry, E. Levine, and S.A. Isard, 2005. Movement, Dispersal, and Behavior of Western Corn Rootworm Adults in Rotated Corn and Soybean Fields. In: Vidal, S. U. Kuhlmann, and C.R. Edwards, eds. Western Corn Rootworm: Ecology and Management. CAB Publishing, 121-144.


Isard, S.A., J.L. Spencer, T.R. Mabry, and E. Levine, 2004. The influence of atmospheric conditions on high elevation flight of western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Environmental Entomology, 33: 650-656.

Mabry,T.R., J.L. Spencer, E. Levine, and S.A. Isard, 2004. Western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) behavior is affected by alternating diets of corn and soybean. Environmental Entomology 33: 650-656.


Mabry, T.R., H.A. Hobbs, T.A. Steinlage, B.B. Johnson, W.L. Pedersen, J.L. Spencer, E. Levine, S.A. Isard, L.L. Domier, and G.L. Hartman, 2003. Distribution of leaf-feeding beetles and bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) in Illinois and transmission of BPMV in soybean. Plant Disease 87: 1221-1225.

Onstad, D.W., D.W. Crowder, S.A. Isard, E. Levine, J.L. Spencer, M.E. O'Neal, S.T. Ratcliffe, M.E. Gray, L.W. Bledsoe, C.D.DiFonzo, J.B. Eisley, and C.R. Edwards, 2003. Does Landscape Diversity Slow the Spread of Rotation-Resistant Western Corn Rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)? Environmental Entomology 32: 992-1001.


Levine, E., J.L. Spencer, S.A. Isard, D. Onstad, and M.E. Gray, 2002. Adaptation of the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), to crop rotation: Evolution of a new strain in response to a cultural control practice. American Entomologist 48: 94-107.


Hartman, G.L., L.L. Domier, and L.M. Wax, C.G. Helm, D.W. Onstad, J.T. Shaw, L.F. Solter, D.J. Voegtlin, C.J. D'Arcy, M.E. Gray, K.L. Steffey, S.A. Isard, and P.L. Orwick, 2001. Occurrence and distribution of Aphis glycines on soybeans in Illinois in 2000 and its potential control. Plant Health Progress, PHP 2001 0205 01 HN.

Isard, S.A. and S.H. Gage, 2001 Flow of Life in the Atmosphere: An Airscape Perspective on Understanding Invasive Organisms. Michigan State University Press, East Lansing.

Isard, S.A., D.A.R. Kristovich, S.H. Gage, C.J. Jones, and N.F. Laird, 2001. Atmospheric motions systems that influence the redistribution and accumulation of insects on the beaches of the Great Lakes in North America. Aerobiologia 17: 275-291

Mandrioli P. and A. Ariatti, 2001. Aerobiology: Future course of action, Aerobiologia 17: 1.

Onstad, D.W., J.L. Spencer, C.A. Guse, E. Levine, and S.A. Isard, 2001. Modeling evolution of behavioral resistance by an insect to crop rotation. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 100: 195-201.


Mandrioli, P., P. De Nuntiis, A. Ariatti, and R. Magnani, 2000. Cypress in Italy: Landscape and pollen monitoring. Allergie et Immunologie 32(3): 116, 119-21.

Isard, S.A., J.L. Spencer, M.A. Nasser, and E. Levine, 2000. Aerial movement of western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae): Diel periodicity of flight activity in soybean fields. Environmental Entomology, 29: 226-234.

Irwin, M.E., W.G. Ruesink, S.A. Isard, and G.E. Kampmeier, 2000. Mitigating epidemics caused by non-persistently transmitted aphid-borne viruses: The role of the pliant environment. Virus Research 71:185-211.


Comtois P., S.A. Isard, L.D. Syzdek, C.A. Rogers, P. Mandrioli, and A. Ariatti, 1999. Aerobiology: Coming of age in a new millenium. Aerobiologia 15: 259-266.

Gage, S.H., S.A. Isard, and M. Colunga-G., 1999. "Biological scales of motion for dispersal of biota." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97: 249-261. Presented at the 1998 joint national meetings of the American Pathology Society and ESA, Symposium on Aerial Dispersal of Pests and Pathogens.

Isard, S.A., M.A. Nasser, J.L. Spencer, and E. Levine, 1999. "The influence of weather on western corn rootworm flight activity at the borders of a soybean field in east-central Illinois." Aerobiologia 14: 95-104.

Jones, C.J., S.A. Isard, and M.R. Cortinas, 1999. "Dispersal of synanthropic Diptera: Lessons from the past and technology for the future." Annals of the Entomological Society of America 92: 829-839.

Kunkel, K.E., S.A. Isard, S.E. Hollinger, B. Gleason, and M. Belding, 1999. "Spatial heterogeneity of albedo over a snow-covered agricultural landscape." Journal of Geophysical Research 104: 19551-19557.

Onstad, D.W., M.G. Joselyn, S.A. Isard, E. Levine, J.L. Spencer, L.W. Bledsoe, C.R. Edwards, C.D. DiFonzo, and H. Wilson, 1999. "Modeling the spread of western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) populations adapting to soybean-corn rotation." Environmental Entomology 28: 188-194. Presented as a poster at the 1998 National meeting of the ESA, Nashville, TN, and Environmental Horizons '98, UIUC.

Spencer, J.L., S.A. Isard, and E. Levine, 1999. " Free flight of western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) to corn and soybean plants in a walk-in wind tunnel." Journal of Economic Entomology 92: 146-155.

Westbrook, J.K. and S.A. Isard, 1999. "Atmospheric scales of motion for dispersal of biota". Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 97: 263-274. Presented at the 1998 joint national meetings of American Pathology Society and ESA, Symposium on Aerial Dispersal of Pests and Pathogens.


Friesen, T. L., De Wolf, E. D. and Francl, L. J. 1998. A portable aerial spore collecting system. North Dakota Agricultural Research.

Levizzani V., A. Ariatti, and P. Mandrioli, 1998. WWW and the aerobiologist: Operating Instructions. Aerobiologia 14: 303-308.

Levizzani, V., T. Georgiadis, and S.A. Isard, 1998. "Meteorological aspects of the aerobiological pathway." In Mandrioli, P., P. Comtois, and V. Levizzani, (eds.), Methods in Aerobiology, pp. 113-184. Petagora Editrice, Bologna, Italy.

Mandrioli, P, P. Comtois, E. Dominguez Vilches, C. Galan Sodevilla, S. Isard, and L. Syzdek, 1998. "Sampling: Principles and techniques." In Mandrioli, P., P. Comtois, and V. Levizzani, (eds.), Methods in Aerobiology, pp. 47-112. Petagora Editrice, Bologna, Italy.


Isard, S.A., M. Welford, and S.E. Hollinger, 1995. "A simple soil moisture index to forecast crop yields." Physical Geography, 16: 524-538.


Ariatti, A. and P. Comtois, 1993. Louis Pasteur: The first experimental aerobiologist. Aerobiologia 9: 5-14.

Ariatti, A. and P. Mandrioli, 1993. Lazzaro Spallanzani: A blow against spontaneous generation. Aerobiologia 9: 101-107.