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- Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology
Areas of Expertise
- Plant-Microbe interactions
- Plant microbiome as a diagnostics tool
- Metabolomics
- Molecular epidemiology
- Bacterial and fungal genetics
- Dual-title Ph.D. Student in Plant Pathology and Microbiome Sciences
- Advised by: Dr. Verónica Román-Reyna
Areas of Expertise
- Phytobacteriology
- Gram-positive bacterial plant pathogens
- Taxonomy of plant pathogenic prokaryotes
- Population genetics
- Genomics
- Ph.D. Student
- Advised by: Dr. Verónica Román-Reyna
- M.S. Student
- Advised by: Dr. Verónica Román-Reyna
- Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology
- Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology