August 27, 2024
Penn State associate research professor and nematode expert Mihail Kantor has been studying them for years, especially their impact on crop production.

October 30, 2023
The BLD damage might be easy to spot, but you can’t easily see the worms, a type of nematode named Litylenchus crenatae mccannii. Nonetheless, in six to 10 years, the nematodes can kill a tree. Since it was first discovered in Ohio in 2012, the disease has spread into neighboring states and New England. It’s now found in every county in Pennsylvania, according to Penn State University nematologist Mihail Kantor.

August 6, 2023
The spotted lantern fly has dominated public attention in the United States, with local and federal government agencies mobilizing campaigns to, literally, stamp out the brightly colored bugs. But a different pest is killing trees and confounding scientists, and it has received precious little attention. Beech leaf disease has quietly raced across the country infecting a particular species of trees critical to forest ecosystems, the American beech. The mysterious condition has been shown to be caused by a newly discovered subspecies of nematodes, or microscopic worms.

June 23, 2023
Beech leaf disease is affecting trees in Pennsylvania’s Allegheny National Forest.

December 7, 2022

December 6, 2022

October 27, 2022
The Department of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences welcomed a new faculty member on July 1.

September 19, 2022
There’s a disease wreaking havoc on beech trees in Pennsylvania. Beech leaf disease currently is found in all but two of the state’s 67 counties.