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Northeast SARE Selects Aleman for 2022 Grant

Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (Northeast SARE) awards Max Aleman a 2022 Graduate Student Grant.

Above-ground microbial communities that quell plant diseases can be developed

Microbial communities naturally living on the leaves and stems of tomato plants can be manipulated to suppress diseases that reduce productivity, according to Penn State researchers, offering hope that growers someday can apply these mixtures of bacteria and fungi to protect plants and improve harvests.

Researchers develop prototype of robotic device to pick, trim button mushrooms

Researchers in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences have developed a robotic mechanism for mushroom picking and trimming and demonstrated its effectiveness for the automated harvesting of button mushrooms.

CRISPR/Cas technology could enable early diagnosis of devastating citrus disease

Penn State and U.S. Department of Agriculture scientists have used cutting-edge CRISPR/Cas technology to develop a diagnostic test that could enable early diagnosis of citrus greening, or Huanglongbing, a serious disease that threatens worldwide citrus production, which is valued at roughly $17 billion from the sale of fresh fruit and juices.

VIRUSES: Why do we need them?

Professor and virologist Marilyn J. Roossinck discusses good viruses on TRT World's Roundtable.

The Mighty Microbiome

The term "microbiome" has become widely used in recent years as people devotedly devour kimchi, kefir, and kombucha in an attempt to improve their digestion, depression, and blood pressure. Indeed, we now know that the trillions of microbes--viruses, bacteria, and fungi--that live on our skin and in our guts, lungs, and reproductive organs, among other places, play critical roles in our well-being.

Pesticide seed coatings are widespread but underreported

Pesticide-coated seeds — such as neonicotinoids, many of which are highly toxic to both pest and beneficial insects — are increasingly used in the major field crops, but are underreported, in part, because farmers often do not know what pesticides are on their seeds, according to an international team of researchers. The lack of data may complicate efforts to evaluate the value of different pest management strategies, while also protecting human health and the environment.