Posted: April 4, 2017
Dr. Erica Goss, Assistant Professor, University of Florida, was PoppR Workshop instructor and colloquium speaker on April 3.
Dr. Erica Goss, Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Pathology and Emerging Pathogens Institute at the University of Florida, visited Penn State's Department of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology (PPEM) on April 2-4, 2017.
As an invited speaker for the department's PPATH 590 Colloquium, Dr. Goss presented a seminar titled "Population genetics and genomics of plant pathogen emergence" and discussed research with several PPEM members.
Additionally, Dr. Goss led a workshop for a number of interested students, postdocs, faculty, and staff on the use of PoppR. Session I included theory, software use, and types of analysis. Session II involved hands-on practice using real datasets.
Contact Information
- Interim Department Head, Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology;
- Email
- Office 814-863-2355