Corn endophyte experiment in the greenhouse for Li Guo thesis research.
Corn endophyte experiment in the greenhouse for Li Guo thesis research.
Corn harvested and bagged for further examination.
Li Guo washes the soil off the roots of his harvested corn plants.
Soil preparation for endophyte study.
Corn growing for Li Guo's endophyte research.
Li Guo's corn for endophyte research
Li plants and inoculates corn seed for his endophyte research.
Li and Lili measure the corn plants to find treatment differences in the endophyte study.
Li plates the corn to re-isolate the fungi he inoculated.
Corn pieces in petri plates.
Corn stem and root pieces plated to isolate endophytic fungi.
Dr. Gretchen Kuldau & Li Guo prepare to surface sterilize the harvested corn.