Posted: April 17, 2017
Cláudio Maurício Vrisman, Ph.D. student from Ohio State, was a seminar exchange program speaker on April 17.
Cláudio Maurício Vrisman visited the Department of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology (PPEM) on April 17 as part of a student seminar exchange. Originally from Parana State in Brazil, Cláudio is a Ph.D candidate and Presidential Fellow from The Ohio State University where he is advised by Dr. Sally Miller. He studies Erwinia tracheiphila during cucurbit infection and small molecules that could potentially be used to control bacterial wilt.
During his visit Vrisman presented a seminar titled "Understanding the biology and epidemiology of bacterial wilt of cucurbits and novel means of mitigating its effects." Cláudio also had the opportunity to meet with many faculty members and students.
This annual lecture is a student seminar exchange program between PPEM graduate students and graduate students at Ohio State's Department of Plant Pathology in Wooster, Ohio.