Frederick E. Gildow
Maria Burgos Garay
Horizontal Green Line
L-R: Dr. Fred Gildow and Dr. Dr. George Abawi, President-elect of the American Phytopathological Society (APS)

Dr. Abawi presents the Department with a plaque from APS honoring its many contributions to the society and discipline.

Plant Pathology 50th Anniversary Celebration
Plant Pathology Graduate Students

L-R: Carla Lanze, Emily Pfeufer, Eric O'Neal, Chris Smyth, Rob Harvey, Anita Behari, and Sara Atyeo.

Poster Presentation
Poster Session
Vaskar Thappa
Drs. Luiz Marquez and Fred Gildow
Mrs. Evelyn Cameron kneading dough in her kitchen in Montana.
Vintage 19th c. marbled paper, Gloster pattern
David Carroll and Fred Gildow

David Carroll and Fred Gildow

Outstanding Alumni Banquet

Dr. Lee Schisler, Dean Barbara Chirst, David Carroll, Anne Carroll, Dr. Fred Gildow (L-R)

Outstanding Alumni Banquet

Dr. Lee Schisler, Dean Barbara Christ, David Carroll, Anne Carroll, Dr. Fred Gildow (L-R)

Dr. Timothy McNellis
Dr. Maria del Mar Jimenez-Gasco
Dr. Kari Peter
Drs. Maria del Mar Jimenez-Gasco and Carolee Bull

L-R: Drs. Maria del Mar Jimenez-Gasco and Carolee Bull

Carolee Bull Workshop

Participants in Dr. Carolee Bull's workshop

Eric O'Neal Grad Student Exhibition
Sara Atyeo Graduate Student Exhibit
Sara Bardsley Grad Student Exhibit
Yueying Chen Grad Student Exhibit
Vasileios Bitas
Kenneth D. Hickey
David Geiser
Rosa Lab 2014-2015
Dr. Carolee Bull
Bean_Wshp-WomenScientists_South Africa 2015.jpg
Students working

Students working at computers

Various Charts

Various Charts

PPEM Banner

Test Image
