Penn State World Campus Intercollege Master of Professional Studies (iMPS) in Homeland Security and/or Online Graduate Certificate

Penn State World Campus Intercollege Master of Professional Studies (iMPS) in Homeland Security

The Master of Professional Studies in Homeland Security is a 33-credit online program which offers four options for academic specialization within homeland security, one of which is the Agricultural Biosecurity and Food Defense option.

Agricultural Biosecurity and Food Defense Option: The intercollege Master of Professional Studies (iMPS) Homeland Security Agricultural Biosecurity and Food Defense option is designed for those who want to learn to safeguard America's food supply chain.

Online Graduate Certificate: The 12-credit Online Certificate in AgBio Security and Food Defense is also available to those with Bachelor's degrees. The credits earned in this certificate may be applied toward the Master's in Homeland Security-Agricultural Biosecurity and Food Defense option.

Please contact Dr. Gretchen Kuldau for additional information about these programs.